Occasional Contributor
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Lots of talk about nail polish lately

There are several threads that have been started lately about NP. I had to laugh when I got home last night and found one in the local newspaper, too. Complete with a picture of Chanel's Peridot. The article talked about how a workplace kind of dictates what you can wear. Reds or pinks for conservative companies. Thank goodness my office doesn't care! I love my crazy colors. Right now I'm wearing Zoya's Midori, which looks just like the liqueur. Another thing they said was that the darker the color, the longer the drying time. But the thing that really made me lol was when the writer was talking about peep-toed shoes. She said if you were in a rush you could do a 'mommy-pedi'. Just paint your big toe and the one next to it since that's all that peeks out of the shoe. {#emotions_dlg.laugh} Those three naked toes would drive me crazy!