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@shaggygirl, hahaha...welcome to my world. :-)


Thank you for the follow-up.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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If I was as young, pretty and had a body like Jose I would wear those beautiful dresses too...well endowed or not. LOL I would also color my hair any color I please while laughing all the way to the bank. Is obvious she doesnt read or listen to what the minute sampling of posters on these boards think (as she shouldnt) as forum posters arent "everybody"...not even close to it. Jose and her brand is obviously doing very well........add that to her unique refreshing and definately not boring.  Ya go girl! 

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@Stormygirl wrote:

If I was as young, pretty and had a body like Jose I would wear those beautiful dresses too...well endowed or not. LOL I would also color my hair any color I please while laughing all the way to the bank. Is obvious she doesnt read or listen to what the minute sampling of posters on these boards think (as she shouldnt) as forum posters arent "everybody"...not even close to it. Jose and her brand is obviously doing very well........add that to her unique refreshing and definately not boring.  Ya go girl! 

I second that!!!!

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Breaks my heart to look at her now. She is so pretty, now, she has ruined herself. Whatever possessed her to do such a thing. Heart breaking. Most of us would die to look like her as she once was.


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Re: Josie Maran Hair

[ Edited ]

@SharkE wrote:

Breaks my heart to look at her now. She is so pretty, now, she has ruined herself. Whatever possessed her to do such a thing. Heart breaking. Most of us would die to look like her as she once was.


Woman Sad

wow pretty dramatic, lol! "Heartbreaking"? Really? It is just hair. If you think because she simply dyed her hair she has now "ruined herself" you must be pretty superficial. Now THAT is sad.

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yep, it sure is

Makes me sad.

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no, being RUDE is worse.

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Re: Josie Maran Hair

[ Edited ]

@SharkE wrote:

no, being RUDE is worse.

Being rude may or may not be as bad as being superficial but it is till bad. So yes, it is very rude to say someone has ruined herself just because she dyed her hair.

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Who can possibly take her seriously as a professional sales person with that hair. I have really tried to like her and watch but I just can't watch her make a fool of herself. 

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I think she looks clownish......she's too old for hair like that.