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Posts: 364
Registered: ‎06-08-2012

For those struggling with humidity/frizz, lets post tips to help each other....

Ok, so I've been wanting to wear a hat for the last few weeks...The humidity here is just off the charts and I've had some serious frizz going on. I haven't wanted to use more product because I don't like having lots of stuff in my hair--and I just want my hair to

So through trial and error, I've found a few things to be helpful--maybe they'll help y'all too...

I only wash once a week. I know it sounds gross but I don't sweat near enough to justify it. My hair feels better not cleansing so I've let it go. And when I get home from work and am in for the night, I clip my hair up in a high pony and spray with the 613 then regular RTM mists--gotta get protein and moisture balanced.

In the mornings, I'm still using the round brush/dryer thing...Clipping my hair up at night isn't working out because no matter what clip I try they poke my head and I just get So I just style each morning...It only take a couple of minutes to section my hair, roll it with the round brush and hit it with the dryer for a few seconds. I think what's made the most difference is after I heat each section, I curl it into a loop like Anna Lee does when she pincurls--only I just clip the section with big blastic clips...And I leave the hair clipped up like that while I do each other section....Then I get dressed and finally take out the clips. No using combs or brushes--they can cause frizz--I just break up the curl with my fingers gently. Then I mist with some of the VTS and a little RTM and I'm out the door... Curls last all day, don't droop and look smooth even in this horrible humidity.

Anyone else have some humidity fighting tips they want to share too??