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Does anyone use a facial steamer?

I have been having sinus issues and have been doing the hot water in a bowl and towel over my head for steaming. I added eucalyptus essential oil. It was such a nice experience and really helped my nose, but I also noticed how nice and moisturized my face was afterword. Does anyone use a facial steamer and if so, what brand? Do you use oils with it?

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Re: Does anyone use a facial steamer?

[ Edited ]

@scullychick  You need to pick up the Neti Pot from the drugstore.  It's a small plastic tea pot and you add water and one small package of the mixture (it comes with the pot) and you pour into one nostril (you tilt to one side).  It cleans out everything.  If you have it really bad, read the directions to see how often you can use it.  Check it out online at Walgreens or Target may also sell it.

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Re: Does anyone use a facial steamer?

My Home Ec (!) teacher in high school used to tell me that steaming is a must for flawless skin. Of course, that goes back to prehistoric times. :-)

I've steamed by just sitting over a bowl of boiling water w/ a towel covering my head. I thought I might love the electric steamers with the contoured face imprint thingy. Can anybody tell us about it if you use it?



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Re: Does anyone use a facial steamer?

Dr. Gross has one that I think was recently on GMA.  I've had it tor a few years.  I only add water per the directions.  

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Re: Does anyone use a facial steamer?

If you have sinus issues try neilmed. It has helped greatly

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Re: Does anyone use a facial steamer?

@scullychick wrote:

I have been having sinus issues and have been doing the hot water in a bowl and towel over my head for steaming. I added eucalyptus essential oil. It was such a nice experience and really helped my nose, but I also noticed how nice and moisturized my face was afterword. Does anyone use a facial steamer and if so, what brand? Do you use oils with it?



@scullychick   I have used steam while giving facials, but only if pores seemed extremely congested. A hot shower works better for sinus issues. We have a steam shower that was installed when house was built...great on a chilly  day or when you have a cold. Using a towel over a sink of hot water is also good for pores and sinus issues.


***If you purchase a home steamer unit, be sure it has a removable or self cleaning filter. They can accumulate mold and put that back out into your face...more sinus issues than before. 

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Registered: ‎04-14-2010

Re: Does anyone use a facial steamer?

@Shanus @Tadaki @Katcat1 @deedledeedeedle @Janey2  I already use a Neti pot daily for the last 15 years and really do like it. The steam was just for an extreme case of sinusitis I had going and that was a nice extra boost - but the skin softening I noticed was so nice. It even helped my dry eyes feel soothed.  @Shanus it sounds like my showers are plenty and that I don't need to invest in a machine at this time. I don't have clogged pores. I just really like the moisturizing benefit. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts on this.

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Registered: ‎08-21-2014

Re: Does anyone use a facial steamer?

Yes. I just walk outside in this heat and humidity. Instant facial and sauna.