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Registered: ‎07-20-2010

***Dead Bottle Aug. 17 - 23***

Good morning, lovelies! Are you enjoying the last bits of summer? The kids will be back to school soon, the weather will turn cooler, the leaves will explode in a cacophony of color, and fall will soon be in full swing! And, of course, FOOTBALL IS BACK. Oh, yes, they're just exhibition games for now, but so what? It's FOOTBALL!!

I got rid of a few more items this week: I gifted a bottle of B&BW's "Cinnamon Bun Heaven" to a new neighbor with three children as a "welcome" gift, and to help her get the kids in the tub a little easier. I also tossed a mascara that was hiding in my makeup bag: Maybelline's "Illegal Lengths" that's supposed to have little fiber extensions in it. I don't know, but it's a good black mascara, so I have more in the stash. I think that's it for me this week.

Have you used anything up? All brands and products count, in bottles or not, so don't hold back! Lurkers are always welcome to make their first posts here, of course.

I hope you're staying cool and enjoying the last hurrah of summer. It may be hot, but before you know it, we'll all be complaining of the snow and cold weather. (I do love colder weather, though!)

Stay cool and safe, and I look forward to reading your posts! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

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Re: ***Dead Bottle Aug. 17 - 23***

I think I posted on another thread about this. Didn't use up any philosophy, but did consolidate the very last of a 16 oz. Gingerbread Girl into an 8 oz. bottle of same. (Still have 2 16 oz. Gingerbread Girls in my stash that I purchased for less than $10 for both on clearance after Xmas last year. I will never use that stuff up. Should probably give one away.)

Also used up an Oxy Max cleanser and tossed an e.l.f. eyelid primer because the cap broke.

Have a great week!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,358
Registered: ‎07-17-2010

Re: ***Dead Bottle Aug. 17 - 23***

I used up a Maybelline Instant Age Rewind concealer, a tube of this pineapple enzyme mask made by Freeman and a tube of Acure conditioner.

I threw out another 3oz B&BW lotion that didn't smell right, this Eco-Tools face cleansing sponge (made of bamboo, I think) that did nothing for my skin, and the last of a Laura Gellar Caulk pencil wound up in the garbage, because the remaining concealer fell out of the pencil casing and onto the floor.

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