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Been trying oils for my face, any one use this for a moisturizer?

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Yes, but not on a consistent basis. I use it after microneedling. It's a natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory oil. I apply it twice in a 24-hour period after needling.

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Every time I go back home to Greece, I am making sure to bring with me several bottles of "Amaki Tsubaki Oil".


In Greece each bottle costs about 30 dollars, try to find it in Amazon perhaps. Good moisturizer for aged skin.

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I use it at night. For a while I was using it last over a cream moisturizer. But I stopped using the cream and now I just put it on after my serum.


During the day I use a different oil.

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I do and I use it in my hair .I really like it!

cathy from ma


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Been trying oils for my face, any one use this for a moisturizer?

What brand do you buy? I decided I was going to buy it next time instead of Josie's oil. I love Tatcha but I know there are others that are less expensive.  

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@ Montanawrote:

I use it at night. For a while I was using it last over a cream moisturizer. But I stopped using the cream and now I just put it on after my serum.


During the day I use a different oil.

@ Montana

Which oil do you use during the day?


I've used camellia in the past and really liked it. My  skincare now has camellia in it.

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I don't use it as a treatment oil, but it's the main ingredient in the PM cleansing oil I use.  It'd been my favorite for several years.

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Been trying oils for my face, any one use this for a moisturizer?

What brand do you buy? I decided I was going to buy it next time instead of Josie's oil. I love Tatcha but I know there are others that are less expensive.  

I bought pipping rock ,just to try it ,but maybe look on amazon,because i bought their argan oil,then another brand on amazon ,got to say there really is a difference in those two.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I buy pipingrock's, too. Woman Happy @goldensrbest