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Posts: 188
Registered: ‎03-24-2010

Bobbi Brown TSV shade charts........

I watched the full hour BB shows with her TSV. I don't know about anyone else, but I think it is more helpful (to me) if they show the shades of each palette in addition to the shade "charts" that they show. In all the presentations that I saw of this TSV, they did not show the palettes. I did order the TSV, but I'm still not sure if I need the Sand or the Beige, and I really don't want to have to send this back. The Sand looks very light, but the Beige looks much more yellow than the Sand. They did this again tonight with the IT Cosmetics foundation. They show the women's faces but they did not show each compact shade. Although, I think the way the camera stayed on the compacts, it was a little easier to get an idea what shade I would be. It drives me crazy when they do this !!!!