Super Contributor
Posts: 479
Registered: ‎06-09-2011

Help! I am visiting a PALEO family member for a week with my kids!! :)

Any of you have those relatives who like to push their agenda down your throat since their way is the only way?? Well....I'm off my visit my sister for a week and she's a big no TV, no Sugar, no caffeine, no frills kind of gal. She just emailed me today to say her whole family is Paleo and they can't wait for my family to try it too or the week.

ARGH! I try to be a hospitable guest, but this may be too much!! My poor husband is a watch the news at night, eat a cheeseburger at least once a week, drink a soda if you want kind of guy and he's going to loose it!

So I have her just drive me to the grocery store ASAP of course, but I want your thoughts. When you are staying in someones home, how much do you need to stay the course??