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@Shanus wrote:

No one's mentioned being dehydrated. Sometimes drinking more water can help. 

I do that too.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Are Your Lips Dry

[ Edited ]

I've had some moisture issues.  I don't wear lipstick right now, so I've had a little peeling.


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I love O'keefe's lip repair. I use every night, and my lips are still coated, and soft in morning. The best I've used after trying many, many others.
For under my lipstick during day, I like Baby Lips..they are tinted in many sheer shades, and I wear alone too. Very slight hint of color and very hydrating.
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My lips have been chronically, insufferably dry for the last 10 years. I went to bed with normal lips and woke the next morning with these miserably dry lips.  I've seen the dermatologist, used every lip balm, lip treatment, Vaseline, lip scrub and moisturizer I've been able to find and still have dry lips.  I can't wear lipstick anymore, it simply adds to the dryness. I recently read about a lip treatment one woman called her HG: "Avene lip cream or cold cream". I searched it out, read some glowing reviews and some meh reviews, the product is somewhat spendy, I decided to pass. 

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@sunshine 919 wrote:

I have sensitive lips.  So most lip balms I can't use.  I discovered Aquaphor healing ointment from a youtuber.  It has the consistancy of vaseline however it penetrates my lips. I use cetaphil moisturing cream on my handsSmiley Happy

@sunshine 919  - I was going to post the same thing.  I also discovered Aquaphor after a you-tuber highly recommended it and I must say she was absolutely correct.  It cured my chapped lips.

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 Aquaphor and Vaseline applied several times a day and before I go to bed works for me.

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Re: Are Your Lips Dry

[ Edited ]

@Jordan2  & others. Here's a shocker about lip balms. Some can actually make your lips more dry and irritated. Look for and avoid the following ingredients: salicylic acid, phenol, menthol, camphor and some fragrances.


If your favorite lip balm contains humectants like hyaluronic acid and glycerin (remove moisture), check that the balms also contain "occlusive agents" (increase moisture by providing a physical barrier) like beeswax, Shea butter, coconut oil, mineral oil, petralatum or squalene.


***Some of the ABOVE info provided by derm Dr. Leslie Baumann MD.  

This is a great reason I advise adding a drop of face oil to your moisturizer so it balances the ingredients and assist it by adding additional moisture to the skin. 


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All the time--have gone thru my stash of lip balms too---think its because I'm inside with the heat on and not drinking enough water------

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Skinn 6 x Lip Balms are always on my lips unless I am wearing lipsticks. So I don't suffer from that dryness anymore. Our lips do dry out as we age along with everything else. Lol!

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I learned recently that using Retin A can also cause lip dryness even if you don't use it near your lips, the same way it can cause eye dryness.