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60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

. GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME TO OUR NEW THREAD! EVERYONE, please join us for friendly conversation! You can catch up with old friends, or find new. Do you love to cook, read, garden, shop, share decorating ideas or travel? Or do you just need a soft place to come to now and then for a shoulder to lean on. We're here for you and hope to see you soon!
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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Good morning Helen47 and thank you for starting the October thread. The picture is so pretty and it is exactly how the trees look around here. Just gorgeous!

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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

GoodMorning, Helen and RetRN....lovely picture...Fall is my favorite season...funny you started this thread on the 30th...yesterday I woke from a nap...and thought...oh, my gosh tomorrow....(actually today) is Oct 1st....I have to get to the market so I don't run into all the people who get their paychecks on the 1st....too crowded...

So I dash out....(no, I didn't think to look at the did a big shopping...put it all away...and THEN looked at the calendar and seen the date...hahaha...oh, well...its done and I can do some other challenging job today...

Since I retired I have lost all concept of time and days...

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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Good morning! Helen, thank for starting the October thread and for the colorful picture. RETRN,our trees don't look like these but they are getting there! Circles, before I retired, I wondered how people.who were retired lost track of time - know I know!!! Unless there is a specific activity the days just flow into each other. Well, off to the library. Good day to all.
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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Good morning ~ may I join in? Today is supposed to be our last 'hot' day of the season. I'm so excited for fall, even tho still working in the yard to clean up the gardens. I have 2 more bags of daffodils to plant and countless irises.

Thanks for the lovely photo! Our trees won't look like that for another 3-4 weeks, but my big maple tree in front is starting to get red tips on the leaves. Yay!

Wanted to add -- and glad to hear others have the same affliction! -- since I retired 2 years go, I have to check my calendar first thing every morning. A paper calendar where I write down everything. Otherwise, I can't keep track of the days or any appointments. I used to be so organized. What happened to my memory?

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Hi Helen and Ladies. Helen, what a beautiful photo of Fall. Boy, did our temperature drop about 15 to 20 degrees last night. I hope everyone is doing well. I have been working on projects in my apt. getting ready for the cooler weather. Today I am waiting for some clothes I ordered from Target. I mainly shop at JJill, Target and the Q (tops only) for clothes. The days are gone of spending big money on my wardrobe. I use to love Ellen Tracy, anne Klein II and other designers. No more. Give me quality at a lower price. When you are on a fixed income it changes everything.

For ladies that wear XL to 4x - I was in Target and they had some really cute blouses, cardigans and ponte knit pants by Pure Energy. They even had really nice outerwear jackets. I ended up going online and purchasing when they had a buy one and get 50% off the second one. I did not like everything by Pure Energy but I bought a cute black & cream white plaid blouse, some cotton tank tops ($10 & nice under blouses or sweaters). Check it out.

Spammom, Thinking of you.

Have a wonderful day!

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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

good morning everyone. thank you, Helen, for starting the October thread. tomorrow will be 6 months since I retired. time goes by so fast and I can hardly believe it's been that long. retirement is one of the best decisions I've ever made. instant stress relief. like most, I know how easy it is to kind of forget what day it is. I also have to refer to a calendar pretty often. October is a big birthday month for our family. my daughter will be 30 in a few days. my dad would have turned 92 on the 6th. my stepmother, a nephew and a niece have October birthdays too. and my mom, who has been deceased since 1973 had an October birthday.

I had planned to plant lettuce and maybe some other fall veggies, and some pansies this week but it's turned hot again. I will wait until next week when it's supposed to be a little cooler. tototwo ( welcome to our little group) since you mentioned it, I had thought about planting some bulbs too but haven't bought any.

welcome also to circles. aren't you glad you got your big shopping trip over with a day early? you're so efficient {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}!

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Thank you for starting the new thread, Helen. How lucky you are to be so near Coronado! And to have celebrated you anniversary at the Hotel del. It always seemed like such a magical place to me.

Spammom, Thank you again for letting us know how you're doing. Prayers & good thoughts continue.

Cindy, If you have time, I would love that recipe for your oven fried chicken, similar to KFC's. DH doesn't care for chicken or pork chops, unless fried, and we are trying to eat healthier lately.

Kat, it's a lot colder here today, too. And rainy. We did have about 2 weeks of the most glorious Fall weather, though. I re-did all my closets with Joy M's hangers, too. Not a good thing while trying to de-clutter (lol), because it gave me so much more room to keep too much of what I should be donating, but am keeping 'just in case'.

Mocha, I can't believe it's been 6 months since your retirement already. I have to refer to a calendar often, too or I'd forget half of what's going on these days.

Puddles, if you're checking in here, I hope your trip to the States goes smoothly & that you have a speedy recovery from your surgery.

After cleaning out the pantry & kitchen cupboards, I had quite a shopping list! It took 3 hours of grocery shopping to re-stock my shelves & fill the freezer. Next time, DH is going along. I had to rest for a half hour after I got home, before I mustered enough energy to put everything away.

Tomorrow, I'm getting a haircut - the same old stylist. I'm giving her another chance. Spending this coming weekend at DS's, babysitting so DS & DDIL can get away before she goes back to work & DGD starts daycare Monday. Time has really flown by!

DH & I are heading South the following week to visit my parents for a few days. They are 89 & 90 and my Dad is not doing well & my Mom is doing even worse. Dad especially had been very active until he fell & injured his already bad back.

Waving to RetRN, Usedtobe, Shorelady (thinking of you), Loves and all our friends, old & new. Welcome to Tototwo.

Stay safe, everyone!

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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

I'm pulling up the stragglers left in my garden today. I wanted to show you my pathetic little carrots. they should have been mature and ready to pull in late August but for some reason they just never grew. this is what I got today. for reference I put them next to one of my cherry tomatoes. I might try them in a salad tonight. I'll have to see how they taste first.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich