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Re: 60's (+/-) Ladies........Come Join Us For December!

Good Morning!

Didn't sleep well at all last night, so up early. Hopefully, I'll feel like doing some things around the house today. I am feeling better than I did last week, but still not completely well. No stamina or energy, so it's hard to start any projects!

Helen and everyone asking about Spammom- she is still having some health issues and just doesn't feel like getting on the computer now. Hopefully, she'll post again when she feels up to it.

We are going to do a low key Christmas this year. With all the recent health problems I've experienced, I just don't feel like going "all out". I do have the Winter wreath on the front door and a winter/Christmas garden flag out. That's it so far!

Hope everyone has a great day (Friday again already!).



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Re: 60's (+/-) Ladies........Come Join Us For December!

Thank you CINDY! I will continue keeping SPAMMOM In my prayers. Hopefully, she will be able to enjoy the holidays with her family and heal a little more each day. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better. We miss you here too but want you to just concentrate on getting your energy back to where it should be. Please stop by whenever you're up to it, so we know how you're doing. Max sends love to all your fur babies! I slept better last night (for me anyway). Not sure why, but I don't question a good thing. I'm getting my hair cut today and meeting my friend for lunch. I plan on driving out tomorrow morning to spend the weekend with my sister. We'll do some Christmas shopping, then my DD and her three girls will have dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. Not looking forward to the drive, but can't wait to spend some time with family. Hope you all have a great day whatever your plans. Waving to HAYFIELD, FANCY, KAT, H2be, LOVES, CATWHISPERER, DANKY, MOCHAHONEY, RetRN, HOOTY and all our friends who post here. Special thoughts for SHORELADY, CorisMom and PUDDLES for strength/healing.
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Re: 60's (+/-) Ladies........Come Join Us For December!

Hi everyone,

Cindy, I am happy that you are doing better this week & am sending prayers that you are even better next week! I hope you sleep better tonite.

Spammom, My prayers continue for your healing. I hope that you are improving & that you will feel well enough to post soon. We miss you!

Corismom, I hope you are feeling better & that the edema is subsiding?

Helen, Is it still raining? Did the rain do anything at all to alleviate the drought? I hope you like the new tea & that you get some sleep tonite.

We won't be doing much Christmas decorating this year. The wreath is on the front door & a few of my snowmen are on the mantle. I might put up one of the smaller trees, that way neither of us will have to climb a ladder to decorate it. Exhausting enough having to haul everything up & then back down to the basement.

We decided to give Christmas 'tips' only to the newpaper 'boy', my hairdresser & the man who digs us out after every snowstorm. DH shamelessly crossed the UPS & Fedex drivers & the mailman off my list.

It's raining, cold & dreary, but DD invited us to go to a basketball game with her family, so we're going. Just among us, though, I'd rather be in my robe, drinking hot chocolate in front of the fireplace.

Waving to Mocha, Kat, Loves, Puddles (thinking of you), Shorelady, RetRN, Hayfield, Danky, Hooty, Catwhisperer, & all our friends who post here.

Stay safe everyone!

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Re: 60's (+/-) Ladies........Come Join Us For December!

hi folks. we got the Christmas tree up but not decorated. like I said earlier, I like the way it looks with just the lights. my daughter usually helps me decorate and she was coming up tomorrow but she's sick (a really bad cold) so she's not coming.

not a whole lot happening around here today. I schedule a DirectTV movie for us to watch tonight, The Hundred Yard Journey ( I think that's the name) with Helen Mirren. she's one of my favorite actresses and the ads look like it will be a sweet movie.

we're going to an ugly sweater Christmas party tomorrow night. neither one of us will be wearing ugly sweaters, but it's not "required".

I got my 'Christmas present to myself' today, the Frye boots. I really like them but can't decide about the fit. without socks they're slightly loose in the foot, but with socks they're still a tiny bit loose but much less so than without socks. I had planned to pretty much wear them with tights, but I guess I could wear both ( no one would know I have socks on under the boots). the dilemma is whether to exchange them for 1/2 size smaller. I guess I'll wear them around the house and then decide.

y'all have a great night.

edited to add: the movie is The Hundred Foot Journey (not hundred yard). it was a wonderful movie, beautifully made. and it made me cry, just a little, and in a good way.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's (+/-) Ladies........Come Join Us For December!

Good Saturday Evening:

I see that many of you have already decorated (or at least partially) for Christmas. And some have already wrapped gifts. Usually I would already have been knee deep in decorating, wrapping, writing cards and doing all the things I love about Christmas. But this year I don't have the energy or help to do it all. Hopefully next year I will get back my spirit!

Like danky, I live a short train ride away from NYC. In fact visiting New York was an annual tradition DH and I started about 15 years ago. We visited all the "most visited" places like Macy's, the decorated stores of Fifth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick's Cathedral, FAO Schwarz and any place that was decorated. A couple of years ago we started having a late lunch at the Sea Grill, which is right next to the Rockefeller Skating Rink. In fact there were times when I thought some of the skaters would come right through the window! Maybe I will go alone this year. It was always such a wonderful day!

danky.....I worked in NYC in a Madison Avenue ad agency and a computer company . before I was married. I loved it because it was so exciting. In fact I went to secretarial school in 42nd and Park Ave. and even wore a hat and gloves when I went on an interview (please stop laughing everyone). After all it was years and years ago. In fact Mad Men reminded me of those times.

Sorry to hear spammom isn't up to posting. Hope we hear from her soon. I haven't read the Cafe thread about Puddles, but from the postings here, it sounds like she is on the mend.

Kat.....sorry to hear about your friend's DH. Bladder cancer is very curable and usually it is caught early since there are definite symptoms. I have had a family member and friends go through this, and they are fine. Of course the word "cancer" is scary, but I do hope things will be fine. Please keep us posted.

Waving a big hello to corismom, h2be, Helen, Cindy, Mochahoney, loves, Hayfield, fancy pantsy, catwhisperer and everyone this old memory may have forgotten. Enjoy the weekend.

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Re: 60's (+/-) Ladies........Come Join Us For December!

Good Evening, ladies.

Helen, I returned the lamp to Pottery Barn and hopefully after Christmas they will have a sale. I did look at the store but they did not have a good selection.

Tonight I took a ride to Target. I really enjoy walking the aisles of that store especially round the indoor décor. Of course, I had to pick up a few things. an area rug in red with a snowflake that I will use in the kitchen $5 & change. I also picked up a snow globe on sale. It has 2 trees and a reindeer in front of the trees and also plays Jingle Bells. I have always wanted one so now I have one. Maybe next year I will purchase another.

Our apt. complex grounds are decorated with lights and each building has a large tree and decorations. Puts you in the holiday spirit but the weather is warming up which I do not like. I want snow!

Enjoy your evening, ladies.

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Re: 60's (+/-) Ladies........Come Join Us For December!

good morning ladies!

i am having a nice, lazy saturday today. good thing, considering that yesterday was a non-stop go day for me. i packed in a little more than necessary, though ... with the consideration that this would mean that i wouldnt need to be running around today.

dd came over the other night but was kinda in the dumps and not really feeling the xmas spirit and so she didnt want to help put up the tree. honestly, if it was just me, i would just stick the little table top tree on the counter and call it done. and i WAS going to do just that today, but then remembered that ds will be staying here for a night or two before we go over to the xmas-condo-rental that dd has secured at the beach. so i dragged down the silly tree from the rafters in the garage and in will put it up this morning.

sorry that your dd got sick and couldn't come today, mocha. i do hope that maybe you will go to that event that you had planned on anyway. i want to thank you for your input regarding the aleve and i will heed your warning for sure. i only took one tablet on wednesday at 3:00, ... and can you believe that i STILL feel no pain? kinda thinking that if i only have to take one tablet a couple of times a week that i should be ok. i also found some generic tylenol arthritis. for some reason the real tylenol arthritis is not on the shelves! the pharmacist was helpful in finding me a substitute, and i will feel much more comfortable taking the tylenol substitute than the aleve.

tonight bf and i are going out for a little bite to eat and a little dancing. i forget who asked, but our wednesday evening at the disney park for all the christmas festivities was really wonderful. we brought sweaters and didn't even need to put them on. and it was truly fabulous to just go over for a few hours.

shorelady, i wish i could hop on a plane and join you for lunch at your spot next to the skating rink! now THAT is a festive holiday lunch !!! i really hope that you do go, if even by yourself. and i really identify with your interview story (hat and gloves) and i am not laughing at all !!! i think that is true class.

kat ... so nice that you were able to find yourself a few things at target! so sorry about the lamp ... but at least you were able to return it. your complex sounds like it is decorated in a very nice way. must give you wonderful holiday vibes!

helen, i hope that you are having a wonderful visit with your sister, complete with shopping and dinner. sounds very special.

hugs of hello to cindy, h2be, spammom, retrn, loves, hadaki, usedtobe, corismom, hayfield ... and anyone i have missed.

have a beautiful today.


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Re: 60's (+/-) Ladies........Come Join Us For December!

GOOD MORNING! Busy getting ready to drive out to my sisters. I just wanted to stop in for a second to say Hi and wish you all a great day. The sun is shining, although it's cool outside, so should be a nice 2 hour drive. I seldom do freeways anymore, so I always get a little nervous to start. I'm taking my Ipad, so if I have time later this evening, I'll be back to catch up. Stay safe, warm and praying all our friends not doing well for whatever reason woke up felling better/ stronger........
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Re: 60's (+/-) Ladies........Come Join Us For December!

Hi to all... the opening post looks so beautiful, Helen! Thank you for that pretty candlelight!

A REAL green wreath now adorns our front door... it has been many years since we have had the evergreen smell in the house! Our mantle is decorated -- that was done before Thanksgiving. For some strange, but good, reason, I feel that all is well even tho this is the second year we have not put up a tree. We look forward to a no-fuss/no-muss holiday after the fact! LOL

Kat - your complex sounds beautiful.

h2b and fantsy pantsy; shorelady and Helen... thank you so much for remembering me and inlcuding me! Corismom... I hope you are improving some each day. I hope this for SPAMMOM and cindy, too... thank you Cindy for SM (SPAMMOM) updates!

DD has been sick (pg) but so are her DH and the baby. The MD told her that the baby has a bug, which is causing her to be sick and DSIL has it too. DD had these symptoms when she was here, too. I think this is cause for an extra obstetrician visit on her part... she is too big for it being so soon and her asthma seems to be acting up. She is in "the land of de-nile" though, of course... I am the worrier always! : )

Will BBL to check on everybody and to visit! lata, ladies!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's (+/-) Ladies........Come Join Us For December!

Good morning all. Still having sleep issues, so up early, enjoying my coffee on the back screened in porch. The weather continues to be very nice here -it's 62 degrees as I type this. We do need some rain, but none called for in the 7 day forecast. We have a built-in sprinkler system for our yard; looks like we will have to use it soon.

I need to make a grocery store run later - don't think I'll go to Walmart though. Too crowded! I'll go to Publix instead. The traffic is so bad here now, and guess it will be up until Christmas. I dread getting out during the day. Bob has requested spaghetti for dinner, so I'll need to pick up some Italian bread and salad fixings.

I'm still moving slow, and get tired very easily. Luckily, Bob will go with me to the store to help me with the groceries, etc.

Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday and enjoys the football games. Seems like the season just started, and now it will soon be over! Football season is way too short to suit me!

