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Re: oh my god, when is this going to be over?? (rhetorical question only)

@Tessa Mendoza Keep in mind, I am no expert.  Haven't worn fake hair for 50 years.  But it's worth a shot for those, like me, who won't go to a hairdresser until I get the vaccine.

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Re: oh my god, when is this going to be over?? (rhetorical question only)

Observing the obvious, but as states are opening, some folks are running free like rabid masks and no social distancing. They are selfish and spreading the virus. As long as beaches are crowded, like this passed weekend, people still come into stores and other closed areas without a mask, there's no vaccine and not enough testing/tracing in place, there's no end in site. 

Yes, we've all had enough of this. The worse may be around the corner in fall/winter with a second outbreak. So, what do we do? We stay smart and get the message out to others to be considerate to those trying to stay healthy and tell them to "mask up". Walk out of stores or other places that say masks and 6' apart are required and then don't enforce it.


As bored and tired we are of this "new normal" (for now), it's so much better than being in the hospital on a respirator or worse. 

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Re: oh my god, when is this going to be over?? (rhetorical question only)

@KarenQVC wrote:

@GoneButNotForgotten Just when we learn to do our hair.  Mine was so bad I buzz cut it.  Then I ordered 2 wigs and really love them.


I plan to dump the hairdresser and save $150 per month in the future.  My hair was always hopeless to begin with.


Several years ago,I actually thought about shaving my head and starting over, so to speak. I'm enternaly grateful to the stylist who told me truth though it cost her a haircutting fee: don't do it. you have masculine featurers (true--I look just like my old man and not in a feminine cast) and it wouldn't be a good look for you.


Bless her heart.


I've told the girl who does my hair now that when her salon re-opens, I want the first available appointment and I don't care if it's 2:13 am on the night of the new moon when Ivanhoe is riding a half white/half black horse through the forest of Sherwood. I need to get my hair cut.

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Re: oh my god, when is this going to be over?? (rhetorical question only)



I couldn't agree with you more! well said.  


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Re: oh my god, when is this going to be over?? (rhetorical question only)

I feel the same way.  I was okay for a couple of months but now getting tired of it all.   I do all the same things, computer, netflix and Kindle reading  I cut my own hair and husbands and ordered hair dye.  After a while you need human contact.  I have my husband but talking to him is no fun.  He only wants to talk about what he is interested in talking about and never remembers a word I said.  My dog is a better listener and he never gets tired of hearing me or at least he has not cut me off and told me there is no use talking about it.  Nothing we can do but pray and blow off steam.

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Re: oh my god, when is this going to be over?? (rhetorical question only)


I think many feel this way.  I have tried to maintain a positive attitude for the most part and I think my husband has been more of a role model for me in this.   He went through cancer treatment....completed that and a few months later had a knee replacement surgery.    He was fully rehabed by the end of last November.   So, for him, life was just getting back to normal when COVID 19 came along.   So, when I start to feel down, I just think about him and it lifts pretty quickly.   I think also that I have come to realize that even with a vaccine...there will still be problems because half of the American population wont get the vaccine.   So, in short, trying to embrace the new normal.  

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Re: oh my god, when is this going to be over?? (rhetorical question only)

I have been in quarantine since early March (3 mos).  The first two weeks I was very sick with Bronchitis.  After that I kept myself amused and I was able to go to the grocery store and Target with a mask on.  Things are not going to be what we call "Normal" for a while.  Restrictions will apply, masks and social distancing.

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Re: oh my god, when is this going to be over?? (rhetorical question only)

I guess I feel that the more we feel we "can't stand it", then the more we can't stand it.

All of our focus is different but I really do think we all have to think of how we go from here on.

My focus is to stay safe so I can keep my grankids that I watch safe.

I'm lucky in a way that I'm really very low maintenance and don't want or care about hair or nail appts, or even restaurants or clothes.

I just want to keep doing the best I can every day, make it a good day, and be thankful at the end.

And i will be thankful if we all stay safe and alive at who knows when the end of this will be.

Until then, it will be a challenge to navigate thru all this with new and innovative ways to make each day the best we can, not on what we used to think was a good day-going to places we used to go, or appointemnts we used to keep or friends we used to have lunch with.

I do miss my other half of my family in other states, 

and I know others do too.

Right now, I can't imagine being on a plane and keeeping them safe and me too, and then coming back to the ones I take care of.

I just feel so sorry for all that have suffered so much more in so many ways.


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: oh my god, when is this going to be over?? (rhetorical question only)

Our country and its people are going through he££. We're all fed up with quarantine but we cannot run loose after all we've sacrificed. The riots have created even more sadness and chaos, taking away the true origins and reasons for protest.

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Re: oh my god, when is this going to be over?? (rhetorical question only)

@hckynut wrote:




No knee or other joint or health problems. Staying home is fine with me, BUT !!!  Not being able to get in my 3 days of ice skating?  Grrrr





The ice rink could do pretty well with social distancing if they opened up with limited customers.  Maybe under 10 at a time.