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Re: To my friend, PamfromCT and so many that never forgot.

Heart Heart Heart to one great lady that has shown me the strength of unbelievable trials. 

I have often thought about your husband, your insightfulness, inspirations that you share without ever complaing.

I _know you_ much better than you will ever come to believe. 


 O u r  ` dear` ~ @Keeper of the koi!   WHAT A Perfect description of a lovely true gift from God.......I admire you so much Heart, love.




                NAES Woman Happy

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Re: To my friend, PamfromCT and so many that never forgot.

@@NAES, you are my inspiration  to carry on, our sweet gift...Maryanne

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Re: To my friend, PamfromCT and so many that never forgot.

Dearest NAES...


Wishing you and everyone else who posts

here a very peaceful and blessed night and

a restful sleep that filled with magical dreams.Heart



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: To my friend, PamfromCT and so many that never forgot.

@NAES1 wrote:

@PamfromCT wrote:


@Tissyanne wrote:

@LTT1 wrote:

@NAES1@Tissyanne@dooBdoo@BohemianGal@Sweetbay magnolia


What a wonderful, caring post!

Each of you are gifts... such love and friends!


I miss you, @NAES1, and sometimes don't know where to look on here for you!

I hope you are back, and I wish for you a light heart full of love and comfort❤



You are a gift as well. Heart

@Yipee!  Oh my dear @NAES1!  Happy days are here again, my sweet!  I m crying with joy to see you back!  I have missed you so!  And I have been so worried about my darling sweetie pie and friend!  Love and hugs to you!


I am anxious to find out how you are doing!  When you have a chance, please let us know.  You are such an inspiration to me and all who love your friendship.  I will await your info.  


I have been been flitting in and out here, more in the last few period of days.  Came down with Bronchitis big time, but I am so thankful to my doc and drugs!  I am starting to feel much better.  Family is fine - DD and SIL doing well and so happy together.  DS and DIL doing well - DIL just completed her BA, along with taking care of two kiddos, a part-time job, and helping to take care of her dear mom, who is having serious health issues.  Just amazing.  GC doing well.  Very tall GS just turned nine, and GD will be four next month.  Two sweet little toots.  DH doing fine.  Happy in retirement, busy with his car club buddies- they even go out for breakfast once a week.  And I was worried about his retirement?  He is also in a Photo Club.  Just loves it.  


Finally found a great doc to help me with all my back issues.  Went for months for both table PT, and then two long exercise sessions in a warm water pool.  Just love this PT, the warm water pool, and the fact I am building up my cores.  And get this?  Only less than 10 minutes from my house.  My doc said several weeks ago that I am always 25 percent better!  I tell you this because you have always shown me such loving concern, as you do with everyone you touch.  And you draw kindred spirits to you.  Any friend of yours, will be a friend of mine.  YOU ARE A BLESSING!!!  



                       l o v e, 


   Will be with each dear friend very soon🏡



  Dear friends, more than I can do quickly, but am reading back from January-2017 and believe ( MAYBE) that Pam may be very busy with a family health issue or still in PT with her back therapy. I just have no idea. 


@For @dooBdoo@beastielove, @Keeper of the koi, @Tissyanne@BohemianGal,

@snappyfrappy@, MsLomo,@Puddles,@Issy79, @cute t and everyone that I know that asked about her-still.....I just do not know, in fact BohemianGal is missing from many weeks, also.


Just a token of concerned care wondering, also... for those whom may be wondering.

I am somewhat perplexed, though of no word whatsoever.




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Posts: 17,586
Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: To my friend, PamfromCT and so many that never forgot.

[ Edited ]

@NAES1 wrote:


  Dear friends, more than I can do quickly, but am reading back from January-2017 and believe ( MAYBE) that Pam may be very busy with a family health issue or still in PT with her back therapy. I just have no idea. 


@For @dooBdoo@beastielove, @Keeper of the koi, @Tissyanne@BohemianGal,

@snappyfrappy@, MsLomo,@Puddles,@Issy79, @cute t and everyone that I know that asked about her-still.....I just do not know, in fact BohemianGal is missing from many weeks, also.


Just a token of concerned care wondering, also... for those whom may be wondering.

I am somewhat perplexed, though of no word whatsoever.





          Hi, @NAES1!    I, too, keep @PamfromCT in my prayers and my thoughts and look forward to hearing from her.    We have several posters who are missing right now, and my fervent wish is that they're just busy with other things, or they chose to take a break from the forums, and that we'll see positive updates from them someday soon.


           I wanted to mention that your "@" notifications only work if you select them from the menu that pops up after you start typing the symbol.   Otherwise, they're just "plain text."


          You can check to be sure the alerts worked -- if they did, after you submit your post and read it, when you click/tap on each "@name" you'll be directed to their profile because the nickname has become an active link.


          If nothing happens when you click/tap on their "@name" the notification is inactive and wasn't sent to them, so they don't know you mentioned them in the post.


          I'll add them here for you:


  @PamfromCT, @beastielove, @Keeper of the koi, @BohemianGal, @snappyfrappy, @MsLomo, @Puddles, @Issy379, @cute t.


           Have a lovely afternoon/evening, everyone!❤️



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: To my friend, PamfromCT and so many that never forgot.


   Thank you very much @dooBdoo.


From what I have learned is:


 IF the name is NOT already posted in 'that box of posters'- say 5-6, then by me adding one outside of that box of -say 5-6, then the name will not be noticed even on another forum keeping everyone in a separate school room(??)


I have posted  out of [[side]]  'the' box to a few others and actually though they were receiving. 


 Well, I keep on learning. Catch me every time I fall short of mixing names, because I never knew that. 


    "What a HeartsweetheartHeart to HELP me"...Hugs, NAES

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Posts: 17,586
Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: To my friend, PamfromCT and so many that never forgot.

[ Edited ]

@NAES1 wrote:


   @Thank you very much @dooBdoo.


From what I have learned is:


 IF the name is NOT already posted in 'that box of posters'- say 5-6, then by me adding one outside of that box of -say 5-6, then the name will not be noticed even on another forum keeping everyone in a separate school room(??)


I have posted  out of [[side]]  'the' box to a few others and actually though they were receiving. 


 Well, I keep on learning. Catch me every time I fall short of mixing names, because I never knew that. 


    "What a HeartsweetheartHeart to HELP me"...Hugs, NAES



           You're welcome, @NAES1!   You'll notice I didn't receive a notification from your post -- if you click on the "@dooBdoo" in your first sentence nothing happens, so it wasn't chosen from the pop-up menu and did not send me an alert.


          Here's how it works...   when we type just the "@" sign we see a tentative list of names.  


           That first list comes from the specific thread in which we're posting our reply, and it's not a complete list if there are too many nicknames on the thread -- it only shows us 5 of them.


          If the name is not on the list we see when just typing the "@" we then can start typing the name.   The software will try to find names to match what we're typing.   It's hit or miss -- sometimes the one we want will show up and we can select them, other times they won't.  


          As an example, nicknames that contain a space in the name will not show up for us unless the person has already been posting on the thread.   That's why the Q Social Team altered their nicknames to omit the space and, instead, use a hyphen so we can find them when we need to notify them.


          There's more to it... and there are some complicated ways to post names that don't show up for us on the pop-up menu...  but probably more than anyone wants to hear.😜    Unfortunately, it's not a foolproof feature, but when it works it's great!


Hugs back!❤️



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Posts: 6,095
Registered: ‎09-02-2011

Re: To my friend, PamfromCT and so many that never forgot.




          I understood exactly what you were so nice with ( a double haaàa) for me )🎈


 If I were to post or wanted someone to read THAT post, even though it was from another group of friends that frequents that forum, I would likely be transferring ' if ' I used one post block and put in the poster's name under my last reply ....Where they usually never go or have been?

 🚫 Not knowing anything about what I may be trying to explain or repeat as in understanding?


I always thought that by adding another friend to an unfamiliar forum, but wanted that friend to __ *know, then I added on the end their name, then IT ( @.....) would automatically bring he\ she ....,>>>>>>>OVER!...???????....!


 I suppose I have missed a lot of replies by doing this " only sometimes "?


 Thank you for your kind information. 

  Many sincere patience for a gentle Heart as yours, NAES

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,095
Registered: ‎09-02-2011

Re: To my friend, PamfromCT and so many that never forgot.

@BohemianGal wrote:

@NAES1 wrote:

 For each one of my dearest friends~


 A true friend, and each of you are held so tightly within my heart~ will be my candle when it is dark, your hope when it's gone and take away mine, your pain when it hurts.


I wanted to touch each friend, personally, but that may ~take~ over several hours. I still am going back from October 14, 2016 and spend time with each.


Of course there had been several other issues (silly me) that happened along the way as ..oh no..ouch.., which I am explaining as detailed, soon. 


@I do wish to let you, @dooBdoo know that what you had written four years ago + six months and several days had stayed with me almost every day. I will never forget that first sentence.

 I love each of you, my truest friends: 


@Sweetbay magnolia and @ Tissyanne for sending those loving invitations so suddenly, from just posting.


I have missed the Dearest of the dear more than you may realized. 


      "...wishing I could reach out and hug each HeartoneHeart of you,  `that you could never forget` me"...






My Dear One..How wonderful to see you back posting!!


I don't post regularly, but have been scanning the boards over the past few days and just saw your Thread tonight.


Back in Summer of 2016 when I made my first post, you were so kind in helping me along the way, and I appreciated it so deeply.  


You have been in my daily thoughts and prayers....


Please know that although you may have been gone from the boards for a time, you surely were not "forgotten"...


Love, Bohemian GalHeart


         Dear Pam.

                               (and filling in for @BohemianGal@)= @Hope2017  <<<)


@   Pam,  @PamfromCT...... I wanted you to know that ' this' was of the last communications I had from our BohemianGal - lovingly through HOPE, her very good friend.

Ms. BohemianGal is not doing as well as we expected -you probably never __KNEW__? 


Also, Stormygirl was very ill and does post whenever possible.


Somewhat doing better but not completely out of the woods if I can use that old expression.(?)


@Hello @Stormygirl, with L O V E. 


@Pam, through @Moonchilde, I have I kept up with really, both.


Moonchilde has been a blessing in STAYING in touch, then reporting back. 

She is a good friend of mind.  NAES



      I would like to know, even on another  THIS thread, how are you doing? .."Yes, I am reading from the other".


This posting is from over 6 months ago and I knew you would want to know.

{{ Parts of it, though}}.

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Posts: 6,652
Registered: ‎05-22-2014

Re: To my friend, PamfromCT and so many that never forgot.

My dear @@NAES,


I am so, so sad to hear about your back problems.  So very painful and draining your quality of life.  Please tell me how you are doing!  I am so sad to hear of the problems of other lovely posters.  I did post on the other site today.  The whole story of my accident, including my hand problem, is on the "Distracted driving..." Posting here I started about a week ago.


Love to you my wonderful friend,
