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Re: They only want to eat Chicken Nuggets and Pizza

Some mothers really hate to cook.  Some mothers are really finicky themselves and some mothers are truly lazy.


I've seen it with my own eyes. 


Instead of making macaroni and cheese (even the easy boxed kind), they'd rather put the styrofoam ready made cup in the microwave.


They buy the noodles that only take 3 mins. to cook, they can't even wait another 6 mins....why?


It's easier to run to an ATM and get money out to stop at a bagel place, stand in line-- than to make the kids breakfast.


They'll have *junk drawers* full of useless snacks like fruit chews, Goldfish, crackers, cookies, candy, applesause in tubes, yogurt in tubes.  Juice packets.They don't even want to deal with a dirty spoon or cup.


Kids fill up on useless carbs and too much sugar.  I've seen skinny kids with cellulite.  I heard of mothers whining their kids had 3 and 5 cavities at a time.


It's rather easy to make chicken nuggets at home with chicken tenders and panko crumbs.  Oh but darn, you have to dirty a pan and a bowl and a plate and fork.  And serve it to them with love.  Forget it!

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Re: They only want to eat Chicken Nuggets and Pizza

Personally, if I were Grandma, I'd secretly order a veg. pizza and tell the pizzaria to hide the additional meat (maybe chopped meatballs or whatever meat(s) )  toppings underneath the cheese.  Actually, pizza is oven baked, and contains the necessary food groups.    Many kids just won't eat (which creates other serious problems) if they aren't at least enjoying their meals.  .......... 'I've seen it all', so to speak.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: They only want to eat Chicken Nuggets and Pizza

[ Edited ]

LuckyCharm: I don't know about other areas, but (almost) everyone (not me) is in a major hurry around here.   Especially the sports-minded families, sad to say, and sort of counter productive, if you ask me. ....... 'Oy, vey'. ............  Again, I can't go into any detail, but I could write a book.     

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: They only want to eat Chicken Nuggets and Pizza

@Nataliesgramma, Jerry Seinfeld's wife, Jessica, has written a couple of cook books intended to "hide" healthy vegetables/foods in recipes for children who are picky eaters. It's supposed to be foolproof. I'm sure there are other authors who have done the same. Perhaps your friend should purchase the book for her daughter. Then it would be up to the daughter to be committed to following through and not making excuses.

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Re: They only want to eat Chicken Nuggets and Pizza

When I was growing up in the 50's and 60's we kids lived on boiled potatoes and hot dogs mostly. Once dad got out of the service money was really tight. We managed to grow up somewhat healthy, but when I went to a Dr. after I got married they drew blood my Dr. was shocked. He said you've pretty much got water in your veins, I was so anemic. I would be sure that the children were given a good multiple vitamin. Chewable, and then let them be. They will grow up as I did to appreciate good food. Too much, actually. My waistline would attest to that. LOL

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Re: They only want to eat Chicken Nuggets and Pizza



I hear of this situation a lot.. from my friends who have kids and other relatives who have had kids.


They only eat fries, mac and cheese, chicken tenders, etc.


In my view, this is the result of the parents letting them do this from an early age, and probably from convenience.


I mean, if the parents didn't buy these kinds of foods, the kids would not get started on them in the first place.


I have a friend who works as a hair stylist, but she cooks dinner most nights for her kids.


She eats pretty healthy.  She says they eat what's on the table, or they can go without.


That's one way to look at it...if they're hungry enough, they'll eat it.

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Re: They only want to eat Chicken Nuggets and Pizza

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I use to baby sit a a small boy many years ago and all he would eat was saltines with butter. That's it. He grew up just fine and  was healthy.  Kids are kids....what are you going to do?

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Re: They only want to eat Chicken Nuggets and Pizza

@occasionalrain wrote:

A preference for chicken nuggets would never have happened if the mother has been concerned with her child's health and never provided the non-healthy food in the first place.


Lazy parents who don't wish to cook buy overpriced junk food for their children.

Not daughter when young went through a period of not wanting to eat anything else...i cooked every night,...

provided healthy meals.....she would literally gag on other meats, etc................I was just glad she would eat the nuggets and they aren't the greatest food but not the worst either....eventually she started eating more varieties of food and learned to enjoy she eats extremely healthy can't assume because a child doesn't eat a balanced meal that the parents are too lazy to cook or make an effort.....sad.

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Re: They only want to eat Chicken Nuggets and Pizza

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Kids like fun food.  They will have their dislikes and loves like anyone else no matter what a parent does.  IMO they also need to be raised without hearing their families, parents and friends dislikes.  My grandkids are pretty adventourous now. I have 8,,  However, my one daughter is married to a man that is very opinionated( i adore him, but just the way he is) and has a list of about 10 foods he likes.  The kids picked up on this.  The more salt he poured on his food the kids followed suit. They would only eat canned peas because that's what he liked. And so on... However as they grew they started to gain their own tastes.


good food starts with parents.  Kids can be encouraged to try just once foods they are afraid of.  I always ask my grands why they didnt like something.  I made them explain in detail what it was about that food they didnt like.  I received some real eye openers.  Most of the time it turned out to be the way it was cooked.!!!  Example, my daughter loves squash that is whipped to almost a puree.  They didnt like texture because they thought it was suppose to taste like mashed potatoes.  Who would have thunk It?  I roast my squash in small pieces with olive oil and spices, and they loved it.  In fact they did not know it was squash.  So try another cooking method

if they like chicken nuggets, get organic chicken breast, cut them in shapes or squares, salt pepper rub with olive oil or coconut oil roll in panko or a homemade breadcrumb and bake.  Nothing wrong with that! Also I have found kids like anything they make. Have them make or help make their food they dont really care for.  


i also think kids go through a obsessive stage too, that needs to be adverted in the beginning, or they get obsessed.  I have found most parents give their kids something they will eat if they dont eat what you make.  That is wrong.  Not only is it rude, but kids pick up on this.  I know people who make  different foods for each family member because of dislikes, or they offer cereal or something else.  So why should a child learn to eat what you make if they get what they want.😏



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Re: They only want to eat Chicken Nuggets and Pizza

@GCR18 wrote:

We have the same thing in our family.  My sister's kids have always eaten a short list of foods.  My nephew is 17 and he sometimes eats french fries and chicken nuggets for every meal.  My sister doesn't fight it.  She stays within their short list of foods.  If she goes outside the list, they don't eat.



They would eventually eat if the mother stopped enabling them.