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So, I just tuned into the pre, pre (add several) game Superbowl shows.


I see a lovely young woman standing in the field with an all black body suit on and black high heels.  What the hey?


This country sure is mixed up with it comes to sexy, sex and sports!  How can someone take her reporting seriously when she's all sexed up in that outfit talking about ....what?  I don't even know....


I'm not much into sports (although I do like boxing).  However, I am more likely to watch someone who has enough sense to stand on a football field in something other than high heels.


Now calm down!  I know she's wearing (probably) what she's told to wear.  That (I think) makes my point even stronger.  Women are still used as pawns.


Are we supposed to believe people wouldn't watch this unless this lovely woman wears high heels and a tight black body suit?  I don't know how serious she is but she just said she was going to go to the red carpet and change into a "ball gown".  Is she being serious or facetious?

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Re: The Superbowl and Reporters

There was a similar discussion a few weeks ago about inappropriate dress. It always seems to affect female correspondents. Can you imagine a male sportscaster doing a report in a tight black jumpsuit or a speedo? It seems ludicrous but women have to look young and very sexy no matter what they're discussing on TV. The double standard is alive and well. Maybe the powers-that-be think that men will not watch unless women dress provocatively. 

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Re: The Superbowl and Reporters

@Vivian Florimond wrote:

There was a similar discussion a few weeks ago about inappropriate dress. It always seems to affect female correspondents. Can you imagine a male sportscaster doing a report in a tight black jumpsuit or a speedo? It seems ludicrous but women have to look young and very sexy no matter what they're discussing on TV. The double standard is alive and well. Maybe the powers-that-be think that men will not watch unless women dress provocatively. 

LOL @Vivian.

Don't know if you ever watch figure skating on NBC but . . .


While he might not be wearing a speedo, Johnny Weir wears some very, ah, interesting, flamboyant and sometimes feminine clothing in the commentary seat. Of course his and Tara Lapinski's commentaries are usually spot on.

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Re: The Superbowl and Reporters

It's all about ratings. End of story.😉
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Re: The Superbowl and Reporters




Really? Every network has Dress Codes for males and females. All on-air employees usually are bound, via contract, to dress codes. Glad to see you don't like sports as can have a field day with your expert critiques of what you would see at hockey games.


Now if this "lovely young woman" was standing their in a thong bikini, I might understand. But fully covered in a leather suit and heels? It stuns me why any woman wears any shoes that come to a point in the toe box. To this man, even when much younger, those shoes did nothing to enhance anything to due with their looks or appeal.


Since you like only boxing, any critiques of the apparel worn by the lady boxers?


Sheesh! Talk about looking for things to criticize, it's too little/too much/too tight/wrong color, and heels are too high.





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Re: The Superbowl and Reporters

We burned our bras for nothing...

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Re: The Superbowl and Reporters

The OP said: "Women are still used as pawns."


@Annabellethecat66, that's not the problem...  The problem is, women allow themselves to be used as pawns. IMO, it promotes a double standard and affects our equal rights.

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Re: The Superbowl and Reporters

I'm just jealous that I can't wear it and look good too!  What I don't "get" is WHY they would wear heels on a field. Seems nuts if you want to get around expeditiously. 

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Re: The Superbowl and Reporters

@PurpleBunny thats what i meant.  the heels look stupid... sorry cat is on my lap!

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Re: The Superbowl and Reporters

I think they LOOK great, but if you want to chase down a player or get out of the way, they are totally stupid. I've been on the side lines of Pop Warner games, and trust me, even with 12 years olds, you want to be able to MOVE if you have to. Lol. 

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