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Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

[ Edited ]

Short story -

I'm in a training class.  For simplicity's sake, let's say there were 8 people in a medium-size room;  4 employees and 4 non-employees who are training to take a test, plus the Office Manager.


One of the employees was sick as a dog.  She had so much kleenex/tissue in her hand, it looked like she had a white TOWEL on her face. 

While the office mgr was trying to conduct our training, this woman interrupted the mgr. to tell her she couldn't figure out something on her computer.

Apparently, appalled, that the woman was clearly sick, yet expected the manager to touch her keyboard, the mgr. simply said, "you're going to have to leave". 


I can't believe in this day and age, anyone who is that sick, would expect everyone else to interact with them as if they're not sick .. and touch their sno++y keyboard too!

Everytime I saw her use the restroom, I was grossed out thinking about all those germs floating all over the place.

So inconsiderate.




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Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

Unfortunately some peop!e have no choice.  I work for a company with no sick time and only 5 days of vacation per year. If you do call in sick, it is noted in your file that your attendance is poor.  Needless to say I am looking because having an auto-immune disease, I catch every cold and flu that comes around. I think many peop!e are in my situation these days. If your company allows sick time, I agree with you. I would stay home If I could.

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Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

It's a double-edged sword. So tough when you have limited time off -- or no pay for time off. On the other hand, I've never won a 100% Attendance award. When I'm sick with fever or intestinal flu, I stay home. I missed two days of work last week because I had the flu. Thankfully, it happened next to a weekend or I would have missed 4 days. Two years ago I got a sinus infection while vacationing in Arizona. I coughed so much during my flight home. Felt awful for self and everyone else. Tried to cough in the hand towel I took from the hotel room. So - I felt doubly bad. Coughing so much and stealing the towel.


We have no idea about others' immune systems so I err on the side of healing at home. But I'm fortunate with good bennies.  

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Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

She might as well have touched the keyboard.  If the woman was in that class coughing and sneezing and snorting; she was spreading it all over the room.  You were all breathing it in while she was there.  The flu and colds and viral infections are spread by air, not just by touch.  Yes, people showing up to work sick has always been my pet peeve.  It's a concern with all supervisors and managers but we can't make those selfish fools leave.  

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Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

DH and I always roll our eyes when they do a story about sombody who has never missed a day of school/work etc. We wonder just how many others had to enjoy suffering with the sickness they were apparently happy and willing to spread. 

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Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

Nurses go to work sick all the time because there is no one to replace them or so the supervisor says. I was a ward secretary and went to work with pneumonia because there was no one to replace me either. When I collapsed at work and ended up as a patient, then they had someone to replace me.

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Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

@maizer My husband is in the same boat, they do give him sick time but they have to be approved by his department manager and if that manager has a project for him to do that day, and he does not come in, he will be written up or terminated left to the discretion of his employer, but his department manager (who is salary) call in at least once a week with a migraine headache, fair, no way, but that is the world we live in!

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Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

I had a boss who would shame you if you called in sick, and this was a hospital.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

@blackhole99 wrote:

Nurses go to work sick all the time because there is no one to replace them or so the supervisor says. I was a ward secretary and went to work with pneumonia because there was no one to replace me either. When I collapsed at work and ended up as a patient, then they had someone to replace me.


I don't know when or where that happened but I work in healthcare, my husband is an RN and my daughter is lab tech in a hospital.  The two of them are clinical and if they show up obviously sick; they most certainly WILL be sent to occupational health and then home.  It happens more often than it should with people who work in clinical areas.  But staffing or not; the safety of patients always comes first.  Hence, the mandatory OT that so many nurses have to work during the winter months.  


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Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

  It’s just as bad when kids are sent to school sick. Their parents don’t want to take time off of work to care for them.I can’t tell you how many times my son came home from school complaining that kids were coughing & sneezing all around him. Sure enough he would catch whatever they had!!

   I would always keep my son home when he got sick 😷!! The principal in his school sent a letter home to parents one year,asking parents to keep their kids home if they get sick.When parents ignored the letter the kids were sent to the nurse.She called the parents & told them they had to pick them up!!