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Re: 📎 Positive Thoughts For Tuesday

Image result for Happy Tuesday Rain


   Keep your umbrella handy.  At least it's not freezing rain.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: 📎 Positive Thoughts For Tuesday

Thank you all for the kind inspirations.  Just love this thread.  Helps us whether we think we need it or not.


@PamfromCT  Thank you for the headsup on a new series for me.  I do check in on Gloria's inspirational threads, they are alive and well.Woman Happy

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Re: 📎 Positive Thoughts For Tuesday

@PamfromCT wrote:

Thank you all, kindred spirits.  Your postings lift us all up, without fail.  


For or those of us who miss Gloria Jean's daily positive thoughts, I would recommend Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling" series.  They are non-denomininal Christian devotionals that offer a very brief but meaningful thoughts to begin every day.  A friend got me started on this series.  I also have "Dear Jesus" and "Jesus Today."  If you google a search, you will find sources.  


Have a a day filled with blessings and opportunities to show kindness to all.  


            ~~~~~~~~~😘for Pam.



 I am assuming there is no Gloria thread? If correct, her thread was here long before I have been posting from 2011.......?


@ Oftentimes, I have wondered what had happened to our thread that many lovely ladies became great friends with Julie; @NewJerseyGirlNJ. I had started that particular topic when I found she had battled brain cancer but was recovered 99%. Then her brother, also was diagnosed with cancer. I had remembered that there were over 25 following her with such enthusiasm for strength, prayers and inspiration.....THEN out of the blue≥≥≥≥≥[GONE!


 Another thread was when so many people posted earlier of their respective challenges quite similar to each other....Have NO idea why that was removed, but ____anything of housewives of so &so areas had the monopoly! Still, the empty, in my opinion, trashy gossips do live on forever. People LOVE this mindless entertainment. 

That is why I am not that enthusiast in being here or switching from one topic to the next. 

     "will be glad to hear from you soon with hopefully something with substance" !!!!


 Read the Prayer with Jesus. I am going to purchase several of those. 

Are you still keeping up with snappy? I have since I am back from Oct. .........Just curious to know how much more you have in PT.

MsL.and snap ask about your condition and back you all the way.


 Maybe, ????? some reason that your time is involved more with core muscles. How is E? And, your dear friend *L*?


Pam, really________________catching up. I almost injured my entire back while taking on a favor for neighbor friend's daughter having surgery across the country. No, never again doing something so spectacularly stupid! 

Will pick  from here and continue later.


 Lovingly, your friend.

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Re: 📎 Positive Thoughts For Tuesday

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Re: 📎 Positive Thoughts For Tuesday

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Re: 📎 Positive Thoughts For Tuesday

Victor Hugo:

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Re: 📎 Positive Thoughts For Tuesday

@possummink wrote:

Victor Hugo:


    This is quite beautiful, along with the art, a treasure.

I am going to capture this with oils and place on hopefully a large canvas for framing.

@ Thank you  ~ @possummink   Heart



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Re: 📎 Positive Thoughts For Tuesday

@3suwm5 @PamfromCT

Just an FYI for both of you friends. 

Hobby Lobby has the "Jesus Calling" series and all their books 40-50% off right now. 

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Re: 📎 Positive Thoughts For Tuesday

Thank you SO very much, @butterfly123


 I have several inspiration books that I read daily, also my biblical text to refer back to constantly. 


I thought of Amaz. but if available at Hobby Lobby, that can be by tomorrow, purchasing. 

Also, thank you~Heart@PamfromCT to bring forth books that I absolutely will love to read. 


` ~ butterfly, as you may know I have not been here since October until recently... so I am learning you have been ill, also Heart Woman Happy@TeddyRoo


Please update only when you feel able. I have missed you -Very-Much. Isn't Pam a truly solid friend. 

Sending hugs to everyone and prayers for our @dooBdoo Heart



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Re: 📎 Positive Thoughts For Tuesday

@butterfly123 wrote:

@3suwm5 @PamfromCT

Just an FYI for both of you friends. 

Hobby Lobby has the "Jesus Calling" series and all their books 40-50% off right now. 

@butterfly123  Thank you, we have a Hobby Lobby here, so that's good news.