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Re: Please help---side by side or French door fridge???

Love, Love, Love my French doors with a freezer drawer below.  Space is more efficient for me when compared to side by side.

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Re: Please help---side by side or French door fridge???

I have the French Door and I love it!! The bottom freezer really holds a lot and it is so easy to get things in and out of. There is also a lot of room in the refrigerator area and it can accomdate large bowls along with the veggie, fruit and mead drawers being large and really do keep things fresh for a long time. Well worth the investment!

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Re: Please help---side by side or French door fridge???

@Susiemama  I have said this so frequently that I am sure some are tired of hearing about it.  Woman Embarassed   Nonetheless, I love our Whirlpool Four Door French Door refrigerator, and would recommend it to any and everyone who will listen. 


whirlpool gallery 4 Door French Door Refrigerator

The space and organizational features are incredible. 

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Re: Please help---side by side or French door fridge???

BRANDS? Favorites?  Not Favorites?   


I have a HUGE Fridgidair French Door with Freezer and IceMaker in left back of freezer not in the door. This gives me much more room on the inside of each door of the fridge. 


The racks/rods in the freezer  that hold the baskets totally fell apart within six months and were not overfilled.  I am just using the freezer for ICE at this point. I have a standing Fridgidair freezer in the carport.    Fridge is great, Freezer construction is not great.  OH and the freezer compartment is now showing signs of RUST? that is not covered by any warranty. I will not be buying another Fridgidair when I get around to replacing this thing. 


Year ago I had an AMANA freezer/icemaker in the top and it lasted over 20years with no problems at all. I may go back to Amana but am not sure. 


My Dad has an icemaker in the door with French Door and his icemaker in the door is always giving him trouble.  Repair guy admits the in the door icemakers keep hiim in business.  My Dad's French Door freezer gives him NO problems.  


Call me FREEZER?  frustrated in GA, 


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Re: Please help---side by side or French door fridge???

Unless you are a bachelor or bachelorette who only keeps only a wine bottle or six pack in the fridge, I would never live in a house with side by side again.    Allez Francais!

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Re: Please help---side by side or French door fridge???

I have both and definitely prefer the french door.

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Re: Please help---side by side or French door fridge???

Whenever it's time for a new fridge for us I want the style with the freezer drawer on the bottom - or really tends to be about 1/3 of the fridge.  Our freezer right now is on the top as is typical.

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Re: Please help---side by side or French door fridge???

It seems pretty unanimous!  I've have side-by-side, top freezer, and now a french door.  Hands down, LOVE the french door!  Trying to maneuver the the freezer section of either of the others was awful!  Things could get lost in the back, and (especially with top freezer) my bags of frozen vegies and fruits could slip out.  There is so much more usable space in the french door, and nothing will ever fall out of the bottom freezer!  Plus, it's easier to find the things I'm looking for in both sections.  


I have an LG three door, with the freezer in the left door.

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Re: Please help---side by side or French door fridge???

@3suwm5   That's kind of humourous you have a 2nd fridge and a stand alone (smaller) freezer.  You sould like us - we have a smallish freezer in our basement that we love to use. 


We also have a 2nd fridge w/freezer on top.  It's the 40s-50s Kelvinator from DH's parents.  We don't use it but certainly could as it still does work!

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Re: Please help---side by side or French door fridge???

Susie - Have you gone to a store to look at these in person?   You might just find out which appeals to YOU more, that way.  Smiley Happy


Me - I'm an old-timer who still likes the old freezer on top model.  I do have a French door one, out in my garage and I don't like, but that's just me.  We also have a small chest freezer out in the garage and I don't love that either.  But at least I have my preference still in my kitchen, with the freezer on top.


I think some of it also might depend on the amount of horizontal space you have.  If you had to get something kind of narrow, a side by side would probably not be enjoyable.  I've looked at side-by-sides and I didn't like them because it just didn't seem practical for my use.   


I guess I just got stuck on the old style, but it works for me and I really appreciate the freezer on top as the French door one we have out there is kind of a pain to have to bend over and find stuff in that freezer.  It is kind of like having a chest freezer, only on the floor.  Smiley Happy