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Please help me solve an argument with DH

Heres the situtation.   Im not going to say which side I'm on as I dont want it to be biased, but please read below and comment with what you would do.


First, think of the only place in the world that you want to be...such as an actual place, not with someone.  Whether it be the mediterranean, caribbean, Paris, somewhere in the US, another country, etc.  I mean the place that you love with all of your heart and would go at any opportunity you could get.


Now, say that your other half has friends that have invited her or him to this particular place but yet your husband or wife can't go for whatever reason and must stay behind to work.   


Would you willingly go on vacation with your friends to the place that you know your husband or wife has always wanted to go or would you tell the friends that you wouldn't go without your husband/ wife.


Would like to take a poll here to just see what the consensus is....GO!

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Re: Please help me solve an argument with DH

This one is a snap for me - no I would not even consider going.

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Re: Please help me solve an argument with DH

First off, I wouldn't go on vacation with friends.I wouldn't want to go if my husband couldn't go and I wouldn't go alone.

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Re: Please help me solve an argument with DH

Let the spouse go without me.  There's places we both want to go, but with home situation it would be hard for both of us to get away, and I would not deny him the chance to go if it was offered.

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Re: Please help me solve an argument with DH

I probably would not go without my dh..I’d wait until we could go together...I really don’t think there’s anywhere in the world that I dream about going that would be so important I wouldn’t go with him, but that’s me😀

Take time every day to enjoy where you are without a need to fix it
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Re: Please help me solve an argument with DH

I would  not go without my husband and he would not go without me.  We are best friends and we GO TOGETHER or not at all.  



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Re: Please help me solve an argument with DH

@Karie2022 wrote:

I probably would not go without my dh..I’d wait until we could go together...I really don’t think there’s anywhere in the world that I dream about going that would be so important I wouldn’t go with him, but that’s me😀

Same here.

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Re: Please help me solve an argument with DH

Life is too short to live it for someone else.


go!  I would tell my SO to go..... no hard feelings



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Re: Please help me solve an argument with DH

I'm going to say no, if either one of us really wanted to see that place, I think we'd like to experience it together and not with friends


Now, if it was a place the other spouse didn't care for, then yes I would go. 

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Re: Please help me solve an argument with DH

Easy — We wouldn’t go without each other.