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Re: New baby in the family....

That's only four days.  I think with everything they are facing, I'd give them some time and space.  I feel sure they are overwhelmed with demands at this time.  Start off on the right foot.  You have a long long time to spend time with the baby!  Relax and anticipate having years and years of fun.

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Re: New baby in the family....

I am a great grandmother.  The children are now 14 months and 31 months, same family. It has only been 4 days since the baby's birth.  My granddaughter in law came home from the hospital on the 3rd day.   Their little family will need time to settle in and time to introduce the siblings.   The grandparents on both sides are probably there.   This soon to much activity in the house can be very tiring for a new mother.


Do you text?  You could send then congratulations and your love.  ( Mine live under 20 miles away.  We text maybe once per week with pictures sometimes and I visit once per month.  Also pictures on Facebook)..  Your son, or daughter, could get you pictures for now.  I know that is not the same but you will be collecting pictures anyway.  By questioning your children it may remind them you are patiently waiting.  If you can I would get a card and mail it to the parents.   If there is a sibling send him/her a card also.  Great grandparents are not forgotten but grandparents (especially first timers) also get wrapped up in the new baby and we great grandparents have to wait our turn.  I am sure you will not have to wait to long.   I won't suggest you be patient as I have trouble with that at times my self.  Shop and buy that something special for the baby (and sibling if there is one).  Be ready to go when the invitation comes.  Enjoy your time and make lasting memories.   You are a very blessed lady.


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Re: New baby in the family....

I am in the same boat as a grandma to two one child we are totally invovled with that family other child  lives an hour away and we see them less often...but there are tons of the spouse's siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins living near them...and i feel we are always the last to know anything.........i say give them a chance to settle in .... and if you haven't heard from them  within a couple weeks i would call and ask if i could come to see the baby and when would it be convenient for will be worth the wait!

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Re: New baby in the family....

It's only been a few days, we had our first 2 grand babies this past winter and neither of my daughters wanted guests quite so soon.  I know you are anxious to see the babies but you need to respect their privacy and put their needs before your wishes.  The baby isn't going anywhere.  In your position, I'd start with a phone call to congratulate the new parents and ask of there's anything you can do for them.  Once you are speaking, you can say that something like "I'm looking forward to meeting the new addition to the family, when you are ready for a visit just let me know".  You are family and if you have a good relationship with them, you'll get that invitation once they've settled in and got their bearings and the new mom feels like entertaining.  

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Re: New baby in the family....

5 grandkids here,.. with 3 different mothers of them babes.. lol,.. 2 of which, would be happy to get visits from,. the third,.. well, saying nicest of nice ways - shes in charge.


I dont mind a bit tho, of any 3 of them,.. they are all learning and deciding, how they want to parent. Good on them. They all know that they have support, from my end,.. its all I can do.

Some new mothers really want and need that time, to recover, before they welcome visits,.. while others, may be more accomodating. To me,.. I go back to remembering how I felt, when I was a new parent, and,.. I 100%, didnt want ANY visitors,..but they came anyway,.. it stressed me out, to be honest.

Congrats, and,.. give them time - let them know, that you are there for them, and anxious to visit,.. when they feel is a good time.  If you try to do anything more then that,.. eh,.. :/

Good luck love! - be patient!




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Re: New baby in the family....

Image result for congrats on new arrival images animated

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Posts: 12,508
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: New baby in the family....

Thanks all and I made a ERROR on the date, baby was born mistake. 

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Posts: 20,019
Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: New baby in the family....

My son was born 21 years ago, and I know I was particular that first few weeks that he didn't get exposed to too many people right away.


I was a bit overwhelmed, exhausted after a C-section, and needed some time. The only people around when I came home were my mom and my husband. Others called first, and set a time, and I appreciated that.


My guess is that if this isn't the first child, the household is even in more stress with not only a new baby to tend to, but that curious sibling as well.


I'm sure it can be hard, and maybe even a little hurtful, but give them some time. If after a few weeks you haven't heard from them, give them a call and see if they are receptive to a visit. 


And congratulations on a new baby in the family!

Posts: 42
Registered: ‎06-28-2011

Re: New baby in the family....

I'm in the same situation as you. I have 2 grandsons that I babysat for 3 years. Then my daughter-in -law stopped working to stay home. Now she had a 3rd child - a girl born in June. We were allowed over to their house July 4th for about 1 hour. Held the baby for maybe 2 minutes. Had lots of fun playing with grandsons. Daughter - in law seems to rule everything that has to do with their kids.The problem started when I was babysitting. The oldest grandson  (then 2 years old ) decided he didn't want to go home every day when she came to pick him up. Things got so bad that on his birthday she came to pick him up . He hid behind sofa and she screamed "What do you want to do   live here!!!!" It was just alwful. Then we decided she would go home and call when I should bring the kids home. Now my 2 grandsons are 3 and 5 and keep asking when they can come over. They have been over 1 time this summer and they live 15 minutes away. They fast he opened the treatow by our house to go to Sunday dinner at her parents house. She has yelled at me for taking too many napkins to clean her child, also playing with grandchildren. Been told I can only play puzzles or legos. It's very stressful and hard. I did hold the baby for 20 minutes last month. I still have all their toys here just in case they can come over. I stopped working to babysit and loved it so much. Last week we were allowed to stop over with a treat because the 3 year old had stitches. We got ice cream sandwiches. The 3 year old was holding it and mom took it out of his hand  "You cant have it ". Then the 5 year old had his in his mouth, my son - his father was laughing how fast he opened it. Well mom took it right out  of his mouth !!! 

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Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Re: New baby in the family....

Call, do not pass go do not collect $200.  Do you remember how busy new parents are and how they walk around in a semi sleepless condition?  No time like the present. The most they can do is say, no not now, but maybe they can set up a playtime for you. Woman Wink