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Registered: ‎12-14-2015

Enjoying every moment...

[ Edited ]

Yesterday  i was shopping on a facebook pop up sale ,  mid sale , anew person came on saying there had been a  family  emergency , they would be available in this womans  place to answer  what they could. Found out later this young womans , younger sister  had suffered a stroke, out of the blue.  The host came back much later to carry on. Its amazing how so many stopped on face book to send positive thoughts and care. It got me thinking about how fragile life is .To  remember  to dance , laugh and tell our  loved ones and friends  we love them.   To support  others , and create an atmosphere  of  uplifting.. Just some thoughts today..Maryanne

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Re: Enjoying every moment...

Very important message @Keeper of the koi,

Thank you!❤

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Re: Enjoying every moment...


@Keeper of the koi


Most of us humans need some type of a "wake up call" to put the things in their lives in perspective. I have put up a saying I have lived by, most of my adult life, on these forums many times. It basically says to live each day as it comes, because nobody is guaranteed a tomorrow.




