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Re: Creative financial plan....?!?!?

I don't care how educated she is, she's stupid, ignorant and lazy.


I hope it all backfires on her, she needs to pay back what is owed, get a job, start saving for retirement---yesterday.


And realizer the child support isn't going to support her for the rest of her life.


And I don't care to, either.

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Posts: 8,179
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Creative financial plan....?!?!?

[ Edited ]

What is the point of getting an expensive education, and not using it?



Does she tell welfare Ben is living with her?


Student loans are not forgiven.


Valued Contributor
Posts: 694
Registered: ‎09-09-2010

Re: Creative financial plan....?!?!?

pathetic, hope someone catches up with "them"! 

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,507
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Re: Creative financial plan....?!?!?

Retires?  From what?

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,537
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Creative financial plan....?!?!?

@qbetzforreal wrote:

Retires?  From what?

LOL!!!  This is what I said!!!


She looked at me like I WAS THE IDIOT.   Retire from being a student of course. Didn't you know that when you get to be of a 'certain' age you get to retire and the government gives you free money and supports you.  (I can not imagine the look on my face)


Both of her parents are engineers and angry and frustrated with her.

Ben's parents are sick over this and know it is a matter of time before the whole thing implodes.  He is very book smart graduated college early with honors, but fell under the 'spell' of this pretty nut!


Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,010
Registered: ‎08-29-2010

Re: Creative financial plan....?!?!?

@Mominohio wrote:

Unfortunately, the world is full of people of all income and educational levels that feel entitled to free, and spend a lot of time and energy getting it..


Yet people here get upset when the few of us say to simply cut these people off. They claim we don't know their circumstances, and we are judging.


Well, I'll continue to judge people who scam the system, stay below the radar and take, so that those truly in need have even less, and those of us footing the bill have less for ourselves.


Hoping Karma takes care of it for her.




big heart.png

Strive for respect instead of attention. It lasts longer.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 674
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Creative financial plan....?!?!?

This is not a creative financial plan, but just a lazy persons way of milking the system!!! She should want to put her degrees to use and get a job, unfortunately, the only thing she is doing is teaching her children how to be lazy!!

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,339
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Creative financial plan....?!?!?

My DD recently graduated from veterinary school with $180,000 in student loan debt.  (We paid for her undergrad degree).  The vet school gave a class to the students on their different options to pay off their loans.  They said that one of the "best" options was to make the minimum payments for 20 years, at which time the loan would be forgiven, though they would still owe taxes on the part of the loan that was forgiven.  


BUT... the loans basically gets renewed each year, and if Congress were to change its mind about student  loan debt, kids who are pursuing this option could be in for a big unpleasant surprise.  My DH and I are anti-debt and hoping that our DD pursues the other "best" option which is to get her loans paid off ASAP.  Hence, she got a job locally as a vet and is living at home.


 BTW - the "worst" option for paying off  huge student loans like hers, is to make average payments and pay it off in 10-15 years.  That option costs the most money overall.


 I think other posters are correct that at some point "Ann" will not be given any more loans, nor will any reputable college continue to enroll her.  She thinks she's much smarter than she actually is.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,179
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Creative financial plan....?!?!?

@Abrowneyegirl wrote:

@qbetzforreal wrote:

Retires?  From what?

LOL!!!  This is what I said!!!


She looked at me like I WAS THE IDIOT.   Retire from being a student of course. Didn't you know that when you get to be of a 'certain' age you get to retire and the government gives you free money and supports you.  (I can not imagine the look on my face)


Both of her parents are engineers and angry and frustrated with her.

Ben's parents are sick over this and know it is a matter of time before the whole thing implodes.  He is very book smart graduated college early with honors, but fell under the 'spell' of this pretty nut!



Tell Ben to NEVER get married to her. She won't be able to collect SS, if she doesn't work and pay in.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,168
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Creative financial plan....?!?!?

You cannot defer student loans forever....hope she gets audited at some point. Hope "Ben" helps support his baby but if he gets away from this leech it would not be a bad idea. She is milking the system in a big way...if she goes to school full-time, how can she do anything else? There is also a limit to how many student loans she can get....if she is 32, it's a long time until retirement. She is in for a rude awakening; hopenits sooner than later.