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I've seen some negativity towards seniors here.

Life experience, volunteerism, and other contributions of senior citizens make them heroes in my book. I see the entitlement factor in younger adults.

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@Just Bling wrote:

@qvcaddition wrote:

 @Just Bling

@Just Bling wrote:

The people I know that belong to AARP are all for the "discounts".


Just the word discounts makes them all excited to be a member. 



The problem with discounts is no one know what the original price should be, they believe and I mean believe that this card/membership allows them

to buy at a much lower price than anyone else.


I don't know first hand if the pricing is that good but it would be interesting if someone that's not a member vs someone that is a member get a quote.  But I heard some plans are just for AARP members so there wouldn't be anything to compare.


I guess when you get old you get to the point of believing you need to be "entitled" to lower costs for's that senior citizen discounts that have been embedded in people's minds.

It,s an entitlement to get old.  I guess the AARP discount would be like the younger getting coupons.  The magazine has interesting articles where you get knowledge.  One might be respect for the elderly, something very rare today.  With today,s prices, every little bit helps.  A lot of younger people use ebates and other discounts, so what is wrong with getting a senior discount.  It,s only 10%.  Wow, we might get a big saving there.  Everyone will be old someday, if lucky.  Think of the alternative


No it's not an entitlement to get old.......when you get old, you feel entitled.  Two seperate meanings. 


I get it everyday in my small store, asking for a senior discount, What?  I run a small store. don't advertise any type of discount and all I get is, do you have senior citizen discounts.  I know you won't get it if you don't ask but seriously?  Wow, a 10% discount with my merchandise margin is a big deal.


Sorry we agree to disagree.

I don't see many places that advertise the senior discount. You usually have to ask. I didn't realize it would make some people angry that to be asked. So far, everyone has been very nice no matter be it yes or no.

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I've never heard anything good about AARP so when I get something in the mail from them, I file it in the waste basket ASAP!  

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My mother has an AARP membership. I have a AAA membership. When we go out together and the establishment gives discounts to either group, sometimes her discount is better, sometimes mine is better; for the most part the discounts are equivalent.


Mother is in her 60s; I am in my 40s. Older or younger, neither of us feels any more entitled than the other.

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I'm old and I certainly don't feel entitled, and I don't know anyone that does.  We have worked ,and paid taxes ,and  supported charities all of our lives.


If we are given a senior discount ,we gratefully accept it, we don't expect it. We make sure to thank the place that gives us a discount



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@Just Bling wrote:

@qvcaddition wrote:

 @Just Bling

@Just Bling wrote:

The people I know that belong to AARP are all for the "discounts".


Just the word discounts makes them all excited to be a member. 



The problem with discounts is no one know what the original price should be, they believe and I mean believe that this card/membership allows them

to buy at a much lower price than anyone else.


I don't know first hand if the pricing is that good but it would be interesting if someone that's not a member vs someone that is a member get a quote.  But I heard some plans are just for AARP members so there wouldn't be anything to compare.


I guess when you get old you get to the point of believing you need to be "entitled" to lower costs for's that senior citizen discounts that have been embedded in people's minds.

It,s an entitlement to get old.  I guess the AARP discount would be like the younger getting coupons.  The magazine has interesting articles where you get knowledge.  One might be respect for the elderly, something very rare today.  With today,s prices, every little bit helps.  A lot of younger people use ebates and other discounts, so what is wrong with getting a senior discount.  It,s only 10%.  Wow, we might get a big saving there.  Everyone will be old someday, if lucky.  Think of the alternative


No it's not an entitlement to get old.......when you get old, you feel entitled.  Two seperate meanings. 


I get it everyday in my small store, asking for a senior discount, What?  I run a small store. don't advertise any type of discount and all I get is, do you have senior citizen discounts.  I know you won't get it if you don't ask but seriously?  Wow, a 10% discount with my merchandise margin is a big deal.


Sorry we agree to disagree.

I'm getting old but don't feel entitled. You can take your measly discount and put it where the...#45.oi76547., well you get the picture.

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@cherry wrote:

I'm old and I certainly don't feel entitled, and I don't know anyone that does.  We have worked ,and paid taxes ,and  supported charities all of our lives.


If we are given a senior discount ,we gratefully accept it, we don't expect it. We make sure to thank the place that gives us a discount




Exactly. It's a nice benefit that businesses offer if they choose. For some entertainment venues and many restaurants, it means a senior on a fixed income can have a treat they might well not otherwise be able to have.


I wouldn't not shop at a place of business because they don't offer it, but I always give my repeat business to places who do the little extras, whether it's senior discount or something else.


I rarely ask if there's a discount unless it's for something expensive. Places that offer a senior discount usually make sure customers are aware up front.


I don't expect every business, or every type of business, to offer it, either. But I remember who does, not because I desperately "need" the 10-15%, but rather because it's a nice, generous gesture and it makes me feel like supporting them with my patronage.


If I ever got mouthed-off at, or "attitude" from a place of bsiness because I happened to ask, I would never go there again, and would make sure everyone I know is aware of why. It's not about do I really need the discount, it's about the attitude of the business owner. Which, honestly, nobody needs.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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@RetRN wrote:

I've seen some negativity towards seniors here.

Life experience, volunteerism, and other contributions of senior citizens make them heroes in my book. I see the entitlement factor in younger adults.



I think in part, because there is a certain amount of "young people s**k these days" rhetoric going much of the time on these forums rather than in Real Life in general, some people take threads like this as an opportunity to strike back at any and all "seniors", "old people", etc. I find it tacky, but OTOH "young people", Millennials, whatever - take a large amount of bashing regularly on these forums, so tid-for-tat I guess.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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What aggravates me when I watch the news or listen to people discussing "entitlements" to include some in government is an incorrect characterization. 


Medicare and Social Security are not entitlements, people have paid into that system for many years.  Many seniors need it to survive. Many times I hear it being characterized as an entitlement and my blood boils.


Welfare and Food Stamps are entitlements given to the recipients with no "oversight" as to how the money is spent.


I am not judging as to whether those receiving Welfare or Food Stamps should, just stating that they are in fact entitlements, not Medicare or Social Security. 


I am well aware that there are some extremely wealthy people who should not be drawing Social Security, but that is not the argument I am making at this time. I do think a "needs test" is going to be implemented at some point by the government, but that will probably be "screwed up" as well. 


Just my opinion, not meant to get anyone upset.


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– Arthur C. Nielsen
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@CatLoverDogsToo  IMO I think we desparately need a law passed to protect the SS and medicare fund from being used by the government for other things - like paying for wars. Trillions of dollars that will never be repaid , then they make the people whose money was stolen suffer doing without because there are insufficient  funds. Oh well , I may as well rave on - it won't be gonna happen now will it.