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Wolfie has the TSV on the other channel. It's a rice cooker. It had a lot of bad reviews. Personally, I think it looks like really, cheaply made junk. Emeril had a multi-cooker that is so much better. He's coming later this month-I hope the multi-cooker is back in stock. Here's a Sears Link

I've seen it for $39, elsewhere. Just an FYI for anyone looking at the WP rice cooker.

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What do you mean by ""a lot if bad reviews""? It has and average of 4.2 stars. 412 of the 638breviews of the product are 5 stars.

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I bought it last night, couldn't beat the price at $19.95! It's just the two of us, and many times DH works late, or doesn't feel like eating by the time he gets home, so I haven't been into cooking for a long time. I also bought the cookbook, so I'm hoping this will be a way to make some good, quick meals for one. I WAS wondering how you time things, there didn't appear to be a timer on it, but I guess you can't have everything at that price!
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I have had two of his rice cookers (different sizes 5 and 7 cup) over the years and they have been real workhorses! They have been used to cook, reheat, steam, and even transport hot dishes across town to elderly relatives for their dinner. I also have two jumbo sized rice cookers that were digital (Aroma, purchased at Costco) that are still in use as well. My WP rice cookers were the first ones made just a simple switch to turn "on" that went to "warm", not digital like my others. If I ever get another one, I would not hesitate to buy another WP cooker. I have been very pleased with mine.

I use my rice cookers when I have a huge crowd for holiday dinners and buffet dinners as well, even serving from them as well. Can you tell I love rice cookers? LOL!

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I bought it too!

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

I don't like rice much, so that settled it for me.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Did not like the WP rice cooker and returned it. It did not make perfect rice or even close and that stupid steam thing dripped and was a pain.

Still looking for that perfect cup of rice, any suggestions.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Unfortunately, his products are just not made as well as they used to be. His pans used to be of great quality but that went downhill a number of years ago. His electrics used to be hit or miss but now they seem to be mostly miss.

I remember reading reviews on a couple of the more dangerous ones. One was a blender that they likened to Vitamix and the other, IIRC, was a convection oven. These appliances were smoking and even catching fire. YET, many of the reviews were stuff like 'it burned my counter and cabinet but I love Wolfang and I love it' AND they would give it 4 or 5 stars, even many of the ones for whom the appliances smoked and caught fire! I'd be sure to read the reviews and notice if what they say matches the number of stars they give. It's, over all, just not a good source for information.

I don't use a rice cooker, because a pan with a lid has worked perfectly well for me for well over 50 years of cooking rice. But I remember that he used to get very good reviews for his rice cooker. I just wouldn't base that on what they are making NOW and be careful!

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Posts: 188
Registered: ‎11-16-2014

I bought the rice cooker, hopefully it works well. We just ate brown rice for dinner last night and it took forever to cook. My husband is the cook and he said buy it. The fact you do not have to watch it ? Alot of times we do not eat the same meal and he likes rice a lot so, I will try it.

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Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010
On 2/7/2015 lizzief said: I bought it last night, couldn't beat the price at $19.95! It's just the two of us, and many times DH works late, or doesn't feel like eating by the time he gets home, so I haven't been into cooking for a long time. I also bought the cookbook, so I'm hoping this will be a way to make some good, quick meals for one. I WAS wondering how you time things, there didn't appear to be a timer on it, but I guess you can't have everything at that price!

Same here - bought the rice cooker and the cookbook to do mini meals for 1-2. Regular sized, expensive rice cookers are super overkill for me and wasteful. This will be the perfect size.

The people who are calling in are saying they have several of Wolfgang's appliances and are happy with all of them and are happy to be buying more. I seriously doubt they would continue to buy appliances based solely on Wolfgang's personality if the products didn't work or didn't last. 8 hours into the TSV they have sold 45,000 of them.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all