Honored Contributor
Posts: 30,247
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I just wanted to come by for a second.  I haven't been on here in awhile; but I've often thought of all you guys.


My daughter is coming from Colorado on Wednesday and I know she's going to ask me about everyone here.


Just a quick summary and I promise to do better soon.


So I've been experiencing a lot of pain in my back and neck (what else is new...right).  


So, I'm going to have the Dr burn the nerves in my neck so hopefully I will experience at least some less pain.


My back has been acting up a lot lately too.  It's pretty much glued together so....


Anyway, I had to have the procedure done (well kinda done) two times in order to get the nerves burned for real.  The two (pretend) proceures....well..the last one was extremely painful.  


But....I'm going to go ahead and get it done for real.  I've already had it done for several areas of my back but this one is way more (I'm thinking....of a word)...OK, it's way more painfull and more can go wrong.


I get severe headaches from my neck.  The main nerves go from the back of the neck up and over both sides of my head.  The procedure actually means they will burn a total of 4 nerves (two on each side).


I've had so much done you'd think I'd be used to it now and I was until during the last (test) the Dr didn't insert enough numbing medicine and ...pushing the needle through the muscle, he hit the wrong nerve.  Anyway, boo hoo.


Where was I?  Oh!  OK, so my baby girl went back to college full time.  She graduates in December ...again..then on to the PHD. 


We have a lot of graduations in our family in the month of May.  My grandson graduates from high school and his sister, my oldest granddaughter graduates with a BS in microbiology (she wants to become a dentist) so she's technically just getting started.


My grandson was offered a 'free ride' to Harvard and he turned it down.  He'll be going to UVA like both of his parents.  My daughter, his mom got her masters at Georgetown, so he might go there too eventually.


Meanwhile, my other granddaughter finishes up her 2nd year at William and Mary.  She managed to get her pilots license while she's there.  My daughter and I hopefully get to fly with her in the middle of May if the weather is good.  I'm excited.


My other daughter in Florida has been busy moving her junk (errr...stuff) out of one of those places that holds everyone's 

'stuff' that you'll never use but can't give up!  Ha!


The cost of renting the thing went from around $250 a month to now over $600!  Yep!  That's crazy isn't it?  So I told her I wasn't paying for it anymore.  She moved it all into her apartment.  I'd send you a picture but you'd say, "No way".  So I'll spare you.


Hey!  Wake up!  You guys bored to death yet?  Don't fall asleep on me now...I'm just getting started.  I have a lot of boring 'stuff' to tell everyone (I know..I can take don't you)?


Let's see....I'm getting a cramp in these old fingers.  Ummm....well..I did just adopt 2 cats.  They just turned 1 year old.  Brother and sister.  


My wonderful Bill died around 5 or 6 months ago (I think it was).  I managed to keep him alive at least 2 years after the Vet told me to take him home and he was going to die within a week or so.  Heh!  No chance!


Not when I have my secret weapon.  My dear friend (and housekeepter) Debbie works for the Vet.  Between the two of us Bill had another wonderful 2 years to live.  She'd come and hydrate him every day and I'd give him lots a lovin'.  It worked for 2 years.  He died at home.


So...(I'm almost done..for now).  Wake up over there!  @Tique (you still awake)?


OK, it's late so I'd better go.  Oh!  I almost forgot.  My cats are named Simon and Sophia (I call her Sophie).  They are brother and sister.  I wanted to adopt 2 so their sweet mom trusted me with them.


I knew if I'd adopted just the boy I'd get more affection (like with Bill), but there was no way I would separate these two.  She bosses me around all of the time.  He's very easy going and gives me lots of lovin'.


Katie (the Colorado daughter) hasn't met them yet.  Her dog (LunaLee) is staying in Colorado with her boyfriend.  


Take care and everyone who isn't already asleep and bored out of their mind...good night.


I love and miss all of you very much.


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,038
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Hello Ladies Been Awhile!

Oh hello @Annabellethecat66 .  It's so nice to hear from you!  What a sweet post you've written; just like old times.


Glad to hear your family is doing well.  I'm sorry that you suffer with such pain and so many medical problems.  Somehow you manage to grin and bear it.  Best wishes to you in that regard.


I remember hearing that Bill had passed.  My condolences.  He had a good life and was so loved by you.  I'm very glad you took in the brother and sister cats.  I know that's good for both them and you.


Well, I just wanted to say a quick hello and let you know that I think of you fondly from time to time and am happy to hear from you.  


I hope you can get some relief from your pain and stop by more often.  You take care of yourself @Annabellethecat66 !

Honored Contributor
Posts: 40,435
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Hello Ladies Been Awhile!

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

I just wanted to come by for a second.  I haven't been on here in awhile; but I've often thought of all you guys.


My daughter is coming from Colorado on Wednesday and I know she's going to ask me about everyone here.


Just a quick summary and I promise to do better soon.


So I've been experiencing a lot of pain in my back and neck (what else is new...right).  


So, I'm going to have the Dr burn the nerves in my neck so hopefully I will experience at least some less pain.


My back has been acting up a lot lately too.  It's pretty much glued together so....


Anyway, I had to have the procedure done (well kinda done) two times in order to get the nerves burned for real.  The two (pretend) proceures....well..the last one was extremely painful.  


But....I'm going to go ahead and get it done for real.  I've already had it done for several areas of my back but this one is way more (I'm thinking....of a word)...OK, it's way more painfull and more can go wrong.


I get severe headaches from my neck.  The main nerves go from the back of the neck up and over both sides of my head.  The procedure actually means they will burn a total of 4 nerves (two on each side).


I've had so much done you'd think I'd be used to it now and I was until during the last (test) the Dr didn't insert enough numbing medicine and ...pushing the needle through the muscle, he hit the wrong nerve.  Anyway, boo hoo.


Where was I?  Oh!  OK, so my baby girl went back to college full time.  She graduates in December ...again..then on to the PHD. 


We have a lot of graduations in our family in the month of May.  My grandson graduates from high school and his sister, my oldest granddaughter graduates with a BS in microbiology (she wants to become a dentist) so she's technically just getting started.


My grandson was offered a 'free ride' to Harvard and he turned it down.  He'll be going to UVA like both of his parents.  My daughter, his mom got her masters at Georgetown, so he might go there too eventually.


Meanwhile, my other granddaughter finishes up her 2nd year at William and Mary.  She managed to get her pilots license while she's there.  My daughter and I hopefully get to fly with her in the middle of May if the weather is good.  I'm excited.


My other daughter in Florida has been busy moving her junk (errr...stuff) out of one of those places that holds everyone's 

'stuff' that you'll never use but can't give up!  Ha!


The cost of renting the thing went from around $250 a month to now over $600!  Yep!  That's crazy isn't it?  So I told her I wasn't paying for it anymore.  She moved it all into her apartment.  I'd send you a picture but you'd say, "No way".  So I'll spare you.


Hey!  Wake up!  You guys bored to death yet?  Don't fall asleep on me now...I'm just getting started.  I have a lot of boring 'stuff' to tell everyone (I know..I can take don't you)?


Let's see....I'm getting a cramp in these old fingers.  Ummm....well..I did just adopt 2 cats.  They just turned 1 year old.  Brother and sister.  


My wonderful Bill died around 5 or 6 months ago (I think it was).  I managed to keep him alive at least 2 years after the Vet told me to take him home and he was going to die within a week or so.  Heh!  No chance!


Not when I have my secret weapon.  My dear friend (and housekeepter) Debbie works for the Vet.  Between the two of us Bill had another wonderful 2 years to live.  She'd come and hydrate him every day and I'd give him lots a lovin'.  It worked for 2 years.  He died at home.


So...(I'm almost done..for now).  Wake up over there!  @Tique (you still awake)?


OK, it's late so I'd better go.  Oh!  I almost forgot.  My cats are named Simon and Sophia (I call her Sophie).  They are brother and sister.  I wanted to adopt 2 so their sweet mom trusted me with them.


I knew if I'd adopted just the boy I'd get more affection (like with Bill), but there was no way I would separate these two.  She bosses me around all of the time.  He's very easy going and gives me lots of lovin'.


Katie (the Colorado daughter) hasn't met them yet.  Her dog (LunaLee) is staying in Colorado with her boyfriend.  


Take care and everyone who isn't already asleep and bored out of their mind...good night.


I love and miss all of you very much.





SO good to hear from you!


Obviously, you have your fair share of activity ... and chaos.   


Sounds like the family is doing well ... and now you have TWO kitties?   I am so jealous!  Cat Happy Cat Happy


Stop in when your busy schedule permits ... okay? 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,371
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Hello Ladies Been Awhile!

@Annabellethecat66 - It's so good to hear from you!  You had a lot of catching up to do.  Woman Very Happy


What do your new kitties look like?


I really hope the doctor can do something to help you with the pain.  It's awful to have to live with chronic pain.


Stop in again when you feel up to it and, in the meantime, take care of yourself and those kitties!

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,239
Registered: ‎10-23-2011

Re: Hello Ladies Been Awhile!

@Annabellethecat66  Hi, Annabelle, Yes, you are very much missed on this board and, NO...your posts are never boring.  It seems impossible to believe that with all the medical problems you've faced and, apparently, will continue facing, you still remain optimistic and strong. 


Please know that you are thought about and supported in all your health challenges.  I'm not much of a "pet person" but I fully respect others who are and know what a source of strength and affection Bill was for you.  Glad you now have sibs to keep you company. 


Hope you enjoy your daughter's visit and she gets to read all the responses to your post. Best regards and please post again soon!  Linda

Honored Contributor
Posts: 15,104
Registered: ‎05-23-2015

Re: Hello Ladies Been Awhile!

It's good to hear from you, enjoy your kitties ! 🌺

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Honored Contributor
Posts: 43,790
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: Hello Ladies Been Awhile!



Great to hear from you!  I'll call you!Smiley Happy

Posts: 32
Registered: ‎11-04-2011

Re: Hello Ladies Been Awhile!

I'm not sure why many most refer to "ladies" . Are we assuming that men are not participating on these message boards? 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 40,435
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Hello Ladies Been Awhile!

@mike995134 wrote:

I'm not sure why many most refer to "ladies" . Are we assuming that men are not participating on these message boards? 




No, but Annabelle knows many of us going way back.  I don't think you should take it as a slight, as about 97% of the regulars here are (probably) female.  


I don't know how long you've been posting here Mike, but Welcome!  Woman Happy



Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,645
Registered: ‎11-08-2020

Re: Hello Ladies Been Awhile!

@Annabellethecat66 Welcome back!  You have the best spirit!  I hope your surgery helps with the pain.


So nice to know you have two new feline companions!  The cat next door visits us every day.  He jumps up on the bench in the entry way and that activates the Ring doorbell.  He has it all figured out.


Hope you enjoy your daughter's visit!