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Re: How Long do you Re-Moist?

@FleaMktQn wrote:

@HSB1204 wrote:

I agree with @FleaMktQn.  I think I've only ever done an overnight re-moist treatment once or twice. I have an oily scalp so if I cleanse and re-moist at night, by the time I have to rinse it out my scalp is starting to get oily again so it's kind of pointless for me to leave it in overnight. I'm not very good when it comes to remembering to use the re-moist so it mostly sits in my cabinet but if I finally do remember to use it, I'll leave it in for about an hour. Sometimes I just add some to my second cleanse.

@HSB1204  My scalp is oily too, and when I re-moisted overnight I always felt like I still needed to cleanse the next morning to get it all out. And like @SurferWife my scalp could get a little itchy doing it overnight. My hair could feel kinda crispy too.


I would rather sleep in the oils Heart


@FleaMktQn  I agree. I like the overnight oil treatments much better. I'm doing one tonight with the SHL oil and I added some to my ends as well. Heart

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Re: How Long do you Re-Moist?

Hi, SurferWife!  I remoist in the mid morning, usually on Sunday.  I cleanse in the kitchen sink so I apply it there.  I leave it on around two or three hours, (the longer, the better!) then I get in the shower and rinse it out.  I do one cleanse after that and then apply my leave in and styling creme, sometimes mousse.  I have the FGP remoist and WOW!  Not only was the scent amazing but the results were way beyond my expectations, WAY beyond! 


I don't do overnight because I sweat when I sleep so I must do it in my waking hours. 

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Re: How Long do you Re-Moist?

Sometimes the whole day although usually on a weekend. I put it in when I shower in the morning and leave it in all day. Then wash it out the next day.

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Re: How Long do you Re-Moist?

Hi, FleaMktQn!  As the remoist dries on the hair, it is supposed to have that "crispy" feel.  That's a mask.  As soon as water hits it, it just opens up and that feeling is gone.  I found the longer I leave it on, the better.  It gives my hair a deep luster and it's SO hydrated.  Adding it as a leave in is a GREAT idea too, I do that sometimes.  The poster HSB1, oh, my I'm bad with names, I love ya HSB!  Yes, I forget a lot to remoist because I don't color and my hair isn't being abused so it kind of just sits on the shelf.  That make me laugh when you said you do the same thing!

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Re: How Long do you Re-Moist?

@77yangya wrote:

Hi, FleaMktQn!  As the remoist dries on the hair, it is supposed to have that "crispy" feel.  That's a mask.  As soon as water hits it, it just opens up and that feeling is gone.  I found the longer I leave it on, the better.  It gives my hair a deep luster and it's SO hydrated.  Adding it as a leave in is a GREAT idea too, I do that sometimes.  The poster HSB1, oh, my I'm bad with names, I love ya HSB!  Yes, I forget a lot to remoist because I don't color and my hair isn't being abused so it kind of just sits on the shelf.  That make me laugh when you said you do the same thing!

I bought the 8 oz Remoist awhile ago *cough cough* and I'm still working my way through it. I have a couple sitting in my stash that I haven't touched yet. No wonder Chaz needs us to get newbies in here Smiley Very Happy

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Re: How Long do you Re-Moist?

The better question for me is "When am I not remoisting?" lol. I do it overnight no matter what time I applied it during the day and I also use it as a leave in. If I am doing a protective style like twists, I actually apply remoist, oil and styling cream to my wet hair while twisting. This gives me the softest hair when I take them down to cleanse. 


@RipleyGirl, I get you. Even using it often I have plenty left, lol. 

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Re: How Long do you Re-Moist?

I've had remoist in for a weekend a few times 😜  my hair just sucks it up and it's actually ok looking LOL  I think I will have to start adding it to my leave in again when it gets colder.  I'll experiment though like @SurferWife and others have done and just leave it on for a few hours.  I definitely have the supply!

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Re: How Long do you Re-Moist?

i like the idea of using small amounts of Remoist & SC together as a leave-in after cleansing.

do u also add CC as a part of the leave-in process ?

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Re: How Long do you Re-Moist?

@sznk wrote:

i like the idea of using small amounts of Remoist & SC together as a leave-in after cleansing.

do u also add CC as a part of the leave-in process ?


@sznk  When I use the re-moist as the leave-in I use that in place of the CC.

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Re: How Long do you Re-Moist?

I usually leave it in for about an hour. I prefer the hour vs. overnight. 

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