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Registered: ‎11-26-2019

Tonight on tcm,a patch of blue and a raisin in the sun will be playing.Seen both several times,but will always watch again .

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Registered: ‎05-21-2010

I saw A Patch of Blue in 1965 when I was in high school. I don't. have TCM on my comcast lineup but I wish that I did. 

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Registered: ‎06-14-2010

I saw both movies  when they came out.  I also love Patch of Blue and whenever it is on I still love to watch.  Great cast and story line.  Of course Raisin in the Sun is a powerful movie and the play won awards.  It's message also comes through.  These are two excellent movies which I do not tire of.  I also saw a documentary on Lorraine Hansberry the author of the play Raisin in the Sun, it was very good and interesting and gave insight on the playwright.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2013

We're watching a Warm December before the other two movies since we haven't seen it.


A good evening for TCM.