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SURVIVOR--Week of May 8, 2024--spoilers

You know what I'm getting tired of?  All the 'fallout" after tribal.  Why does everything have to be an issue?  These are rhetorial questions because I know by this point, these people are starving, their brains are not working and they are paranoid.  And in all transparency--I did not watch the aftermath of the reward/immunity challenge, but did turn back in to see tribal.


And what a tribal it was!  It was a glorious blindside and yet another idol went home in someone's pocket.  Was I to understand that was the last idol in play or will there be one more since it could be used up until there were 5 left in the game.


Q may end up winning this, despite everyone saying they don't like him.  But then again, he glommed onto Maria and is kind of riding her coat tails.  I have the feeling that as soon as they get the chance, they may vote her out.


I give this episode 9 torches for that awesome blindside.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 8, 2024--spoilers

Just one question:


How could she be so stupid?

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 8, 2024--spoilers

Isn't this the fourth evicted who left with an idol?


How many times do they have to see a blindside before they get a clue?

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 8, 2024--spoilers

So happy Venus is gone.  She was obnoxious from the start.  I knew it was just a matter of time before Charlie would throw Maria under the bus.  He is a weasel.  Unless Maria continues to win immunity she'll be gone.


I have a feeling that Liz will wind up at final tribal and that could blow up.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 8, 2024--spoilers

This is the season of the self inflicted Curse of the Idol. 


So, is one of Liz's allergy to gluten?


I've been known to occasionally eat licorice, both black and red. If I'm not mistaken, wheat is a major ingredient. Yet, didn't she say she is able to eat licorice? What's true with her and what isn't? Is it for effect? Playing to audience and now jury? I wouldn't be sad if she left next.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 8, 2024--spoilers

Apparently Liz is allergic to all food, except Applebee's. If she is gluten sensitive, how does she eat a cheeseburger, which she said is her go to at Applebees.  I mean, unless you say no bun, they come with a lot of bread and the seasoning is also suspect for gluten.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 8, 2024--spoilers

Liz knew the 'food' issues w/ Survivor b4 she signed up.


These outbursts are ridiculous....she knew there would be nothing she could eat.


Stop crying about it!   LOL


If I was stuck on that island w/ Venus...we wouldn't have had to vote her out.

She woulda 'disappeared' long ago!  Just kidding. What a SNOT!

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 8, 2024--spoilers

And another idol bites the dust!  How stupid are these people? This season could be called the Curse of the Idol.  I'm bored because it's to long. 1 1/2 hrs were fine when there were a lot of folks but should be back to an hour.


Glad Venus is gone and think Marie best watch out.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 8, 2024--spoilers

If you have an idol, use the idol. It's not that complicated of a game. Use it and trust you'll be able to find it when it gets replanted. I'm officially in the "I don't care who wins, let's just get it over with" stage of the season. 

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 8, 2024--spoilers

@mspatmac wrote:

And another idol bites the dust!  How stupid are these people? This season could be called the Curse of the Idol.  I'm bored because it's to long. 1 1/2 hrs were fine when there were a lot of folks but should be back to an hour.


Glad Venus is gone and think Marie best watch out.



I so agree @mspatmac 


Didn't like 1.5 last year and don't like it this year...but I have that solved.


I never watch live, always taped.


Remote in my hand w/ finger on FF.


I skip the majority of the long winded 'interviews' they have now.