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SURVIVOR--Week of May 15--Spoilers

Well, one more episode to sit through--only it is 3 hours next week, so only expect me to get through the first part and see who the winner is.


Yep--it's the season of stupid, yet another idol left the game in a pocket.  But it was GLORIOUS!!!  However, did I miss why he didn't think he should play it?  And also--her smug look disappearing was again GLORIOUS!!!  


The two challenges were actually really pretty fun to watch. I was very disappointed that Maria won immunity though--she definitely would have been gone.


I give this episode 10 torches because 1--it was a fantastic blindside on TWO people and 2--I love it when a Smuggy McSmuggerson who thinks they are in charge of the game gets played.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 15--Spoilers

I don't like any of them, and dislike Liz. 

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 15--Spoilers

How many brain cells does it take to play your idol at tribal????  Dumb and dumber.  And, did Maria seriously think Kenzie and Liz would vote with her????


3 hours is too long!!!!  1 1/2 hrs a week is too long.  


Charlie is a weasel who could win.  Unfortunately,  the jury is liable to award Kenzie or Liz the prize.  I sure hope not!!

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 15--Spoilers

Now Charlie will find out that his best friend, Maria, voted to evict him. 

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 15--Spoilers

Maria is an amazing competitor.  She continues to win challenges despite being a middle aged woman beating out much younger males.


Didn't care for her crying jag - its letters.  You are at the end; you will survive not reading letters.


Same for Liz and that sore loser mentality of hers last week.  If you are gluten intolerant - well, maybe you shouldn't sign up for Survivor.  


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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 15--Spoilers

@Houstonoilers,  if I recall correctly Jeff did say at least one of the pizzas was gluten free.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 15--Spoilers

Getting back from tribal should be very interesting next week. Charlie finds out Maria backstabbed him and Maria finds out Charlie backstabbed her.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 15--Spoilers

Well, Liz was eating noodles last night and unless they were rice noodles--they had gluten in them.  And most Chinese food uses spices that have gluten in them.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 15--Spoilers

@DrKelli wrote:

Well, Liz was eating noodles last night and unless they were rice noodles--they had gluten in them.  And most Chinese food uses spices that have gluten in them.


Yes I noticed the same thing with the Chinese food and I have gluten issues and was thinking she is eating gluten!


I think if Charlie or Maria don't win the next challenge they are gone and then I think for the last 4 again if one if them doesn't win the challenge they are gone.  I think Kelsey, Liz and Ben are a threesome to the end.  If it ends up those three it has to be Kelsey.  Ben has done nothing and Liz is way to annoying.  Kelsey has survived all these votes so she will probably win.  If Charlie get's immunity he could end up in the final 3 and I would be ok if he wins.


All I gotta say is if someone finds an immunity idol this time they will have to play it,  It has to be played when 5 are left.  


It's funny because most of those left did not realize they all went out with an immunity idol.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of May 15--Spoilers

This has to be the dumbest cast Survivor has ever had. How many weeks have we lost someone with an idol in their pocket? Five? Six? More? Doesn't anyone ever learn? If you have an idol, play it. I suspect either Charlie or Maria will end up winning. I don't really care. Not my favorite season.

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