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Re: "On Holiday Morning" phrase

[ Edited ]

I have been trying to post this for two hours. Something crazy

going on with the boards. Finally got through.


While this is not a religious or gift giving holiday, tonight, Dec.5th is

Krampus Nacht. It is a tradition in Germany and Austria.

They have Krampus parades.


It seems to me that Krampus is a precursor to the idea of the character "The Grinch".


Google Krampus or Krampus Nacht.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: "On Holiday Morning" phrase





Those getting into what some say is a pagan precursor of Christmas, at one point "Yule," may I suggest reading the history of Christmas carefully.


There's no mistake what the word Christmas means.


One of the problems as I see it from the War On Christmas army is calling all other holidays their rightful names, except Christmas day. It is Happy Holiday. All others, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year. They choke on Merry Christmas. It's very obvious what they are up to.

Not it's not obvious. Why must there be a nefarious reason behind saying happy holidays when you are in public or speaking to an audience of people you don't know or know well? If I am out at a store or a doctors office etc., I have zero idea what holiday(s) that person may celebrate. So I say thank you, happy holidays! If I know the person, I will specify the holiday, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.


There is no war on Christmas. It was a fabricated effort to divide us. I refuse to fall for faux outrages.

@kate2357I agree. I view "Happy Holidays" coming from someone as being inclusive and respectful of other holidays that occur during the same season as Christmas...nothing more.


I am not sure who "they" are that are at war with Christmas.

@foxee was quite specific, @Mersha . "They" are those who "call all other holidays their rightful names, except Christmas day. It is Happy Holiday. All others, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year. They choke on 'Merry Christmas.' "

Some are looking to be outraged over an "alleged attack on Christmas" that is just not there.


Again, there are many who celebrate holidays around the same time as Christmas, hence the Happy Holidays greeting. It is a wish for you to enjoy the holiday that you celebrate.


There must be certain media outlets that are pushing this particular agenda and some are buying into it hook, line and sinker.


Honestly, there are so many other things going on in the world to be outraged about but someone saying "Happy Holidays" is not it.

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." BF
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Re: "On Holiday Morning" phrase

I think some are missing the point and/or the bigger picture.

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Re: "On Holiday Morning" phrase

@ShanusBe safe. We are in a time period of rising anti-sentiments. Reminds me of the 1930s. History classes would provide knowledge if they were not construed as making some people feel sad. SMH. A glimmer of light: I have noticed an increasing number of articles with recipes for Hannukah dinners; that's encouraging as a step forward, though hardly enough.

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Registered: ‎05-08-2010

Re: "On Holiday Morning" phrase

@kate2357 wrote:




I wondered the same thing with this sentence "It's very obvious what they are up to." Who? Why? Source?

Surprised you wondered, @kate2357. Perhaps you missed the sentences that preceded it, in which she explained that "they" are those who "call all other holidays their rightful names, except Christmas day. It is Happy Holiday. All others, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year. They choke on 'Merry Christmas.' "

Sorry, still don't know who they are and what they are up to. I've also never heard anyone choke on saying Merry Christmas. What is it they are choking on? Why attach a nefarious reason for other people's attempt on being polite? Why assume what others are feeling?


As for a TV vendor or salesperson saying holiday morning, why assume anything other than they are trying to sell to a wide audience? Maybe not everyone know specifics about how all holidays are celebrated.


I just cannot get worked up over how other people chose to wish me well. Good intentions count with me and I'm not going to feign an outrage I don't feel.

I detected no outrage on the part of the OP.  Once again, surprised you did.

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Registered: ‎05-08-2010

Re: "On Holiday Morning" phrase

@Mersha wrote:





Those getting into what some say is a pagan precursor of Christmas, at one point "Yule," may I suggest reading the history of Christmas carefully.


There's no mistake what the word Christmas means.


One of the problems as I see it from the War On Christmas army is calling all other holidays their rightful names, except Christmas day. It is Happy Holiday. All others, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year. They choke on Merry Christmas. It's very obvious what they are up to.

Not it's not obvious. Why must there be a nefarious reason behind saying happy holidays when you are in public or speaking to an audience of people you don't know or know well? If I am out at a store or a doctors office etc., I have zero idea what holiday(s) that person may celebrate. So I say thank you, happy holidays! If I know the person, I will specify the holiday, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.


There is no war on Christmas. It was a fabricated effort to divide us. I refuse to fall for faux outrages.

@kate2357I agree. I view "Happy Holidays" coming from someone as being inclusive and respectful of other holidays that occur during the same season as Christmas...nothing more.


I am not sure who "they" are that are at war with Christmas.

@foxee was quite specific, @Mersha . "They" are those who "call all other holidays their rightful names, except Christmas day. It is Happy Holiday. All others, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year. They choke on 'Merry Christmas.' "

Some are looking to be outraged over an "alleged attack on Christmas" that is just not there.


Again, there are many who celebrate holidays around the same time as Christmas, hence the Happy Holidays greeting. It is a wish for you to enjoy the holiday that you celebrate.


There must be certain media outlets that are pushing this particular agenda and some are buying into it hook, line and sinker.


Honestly, there are so many other things going on in the world to be outraged about but someone saying "Happy Holidays" is not it.

I detected no "outrage" on the OP's part. She was making an observation.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: "On Holiday Morning" phrase

We've been hearing and seeing CHRISTMAS in JULY since JUNE of this year, and in 2023, rumor is Christmas in July will begin on Easter Sunday.....!!! /S


It's all just one giant commerical grab for money. The biggest clue? Seconds after Dec 25th, all the sets are cleared of the Christmas junk, and it's on to the next money grab ( exercise and diet stuff)...


Although QVC has in recent years begun to leave a few Christmas decorations up right after...maybe they got the memo about taking it all off all at once after begging their customers to buy buy buy since June...too big a shock for all those folks who bought all the Chinese made Americana Christmas stuff ( VPH, Jim Shore, those creepy resin statues with big bellies and resin smiles-like they know some terrible secret about you, etc...all the hokey whispery cornballs who sell Asian-made-brought-over-in-a-shipping-container-Dollar-Store-jink.)


I think they should rename it anyway.


Let's call it Pajama Day. That's the message I get. Family pajamas, dog pajamas, footed pajamas, onesies for adults ( sheeesh!!!),pajamas to wear to church or a funeral, pajamas pajamas pajamas pajamas pajamas...All designed for the regressive kidult of today, who has reverted to dressing in the clothes of perpetual childhood....


See how easy? "Pajama Day"!!!


All inclusive, and SO much more relevant!


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Re: "On Holiday Morning" phrase


I'm surprised you didn't notice I did not refer to the op. Hope you have a marvelous day.

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Re: "On Holiday Morning" phrase

@vsm   As a Jew, I know exactly what Hanukkah is. I don't need an education from you. If I celebrate a Hanukkah morning that is my prerogative. I don't need you to tell me what are important holidays. Why this insistence that Christmas is the only holiday to be recognized. If you're so worried about the meaning of Christmas, why all the shopping and commercialism? If I recall correctly, its the celebration of Jesus' birth not an excuse to shop. I've been to Bethlehem and I don't recall any tinsel on the manger so please, spare me the righteous indignation. Oh and have a happy Holiday season!

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Registered: ‎05-08-2010

Re: "On Holiday Morning" phrase

@Susanp301 wrote:

@vsm   As a Jew, I know exactly what Hanukkah is. I don't need an education from you. If I celebrate a Hanukkah morning that is my prerogative. I don't need you to tell me what are important holidays. Why this insistence that Christmas is the only holiday to be recognized. If you're so worried about the meaning of Christmas, why all the shopping and commercialism? If I recall correctly, its the celebration of Jesus' birth not an excuse to shop. I've been to Bethlehem and I don't recall any tinsel on the manger so please, spare me the righteous indignation. Oh and have a happy Holiday season!

Who's "insisting that Christmas is the only holiday to be recognized"? How sad that you feel compelled to challenge a point no one made.