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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat so glad you are ok and it was the weather that kept you away.

Such lovley pictures of your DH and his fur kids. I just love a big man who becomes a teddy bear around his furbabies.Hope he had a great Fathers Day!!!

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

  • Hi Sammycat, I too am glad all is okay. Love the photos of your DH with the furbabies. Your descriptions, writings, and photos show a gentle man with a heart of gold. It does not get any better than that. Happy Father's Day. 😼😼😼
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday Morning Greetings



Sammycat... So glad that all is well with you and DH and that the both of you, and your home,came through the storm safe and sound. I have no doubt that a certain furry Angel had his protective paws wrapped around you. :-)


Sending more special prayers to all of the precious furbabies and homeless animals who are in need.


Wishing Sammycat,DH,KS and The Clan a very pleasant day.


All of my children have paws =^..^=



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

@beauty junkie wrote:

Sammycat so glad you are ok and it was the weather that kept you away.

Such lovley pictures of your DH and his fur kids. I just love a big man who becomes a teddy bear around his furbabies.Hope he had a great Fathers Day.


Hi beauty,  I hope you are feeling better. Prayers sent for you and your Cookie. 💜

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

HiDearFriends, I hope everyone had a nice weekend.  Father's Day is still a bit raw for me since my Dad passed away, but i tried to live in the past and savor sweet memories.  Have a Blessed Week Dear Friends (Hugs)

P.S. Sweet Joey seemed a bit off to me this weekend, I can't put my finger on anything yet, but he seemed  to be a tiny step behind the last couple of days.  If  you could again lift my lil guy up, I know it would do wonders. thank you all.


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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday report:  First, please join me in prayers for Shop Till You Drop's pup Joey, who isn't quite feeling himself -- and worrying his Mom that something isn't quite right.


Which leads to today's Schmoo Tale.  Every time we took him to the vet and specifically requested an ultrasound because a permanent downturn seemed imminent, both Schmoo's vet and the radiologist said, "We can't believe it!  Pull the original scan!"  What struck them was how Schmoo's heart had bounced back from the brink of utter implosion to a  semi-functional state.  "We can't explain it," they said.  Every time. 


A pet's well-being in the face of serious illness surely is part art, part science.  It's the meds, the diet, the scans -- but it's also the love and care that pet's parents lavish. But the miracle of those ultrasounds, I remember clearly, came from something more:  the reserves of persistence within Schmoo himself.


His photo, below, and the majesty that was within him, still brings to mind this stanza from the song, "Go the Distance."


And I won't look back, I can go the distance
And I'll stay on track, no, I won't accept defeat
It's an uphill slope but I won't lose hope
'Til I go the distance, and my journey is complete


He certainly went that distance -- and then some:


Schmoo go the distance.jpg

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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Sending prayers for Joey. I hope he is having a better day. 💛💛💛 Sammycat, the photo of Mr. Schmoo is so beautiful. He looks so majestic, and really to my eye very healthy. The gentle care and loving hands that held his heart certainly kept him with you, and shocked even the doctors that you took him to. 💜💜💜

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday Evening Greetings


Sammycat... Loving the photo of Schmoo that you posted last night in your report...his magnificent furry face bathed in Heavenly light.


Sending out lots of very special prayers to Joey and to all of the other precious furbabies and homeless animals who are in need.


Wishing Sammycat,DH,KS, and the magnificent Clan a peaceful night. :-)


All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday report:  The Kitty Sitter is preparing for a trip to the land of Schmoo later this week (she's helping me shop for recliners and other aids for when I get my total knee replacement surgery in the fall), and she's nervous about leaving Chubby.


He's holding his own, but she wants to spend as much quality time as possible with him.  After a fierce game of "Scratch Pole - Creature on a String," he passed out yesterday in a very athletic pose, which I had to share with you.  He likes sleeping on his back with his butt turned toward the breezes of an open window nearby.


I think the judges would give him a "10" for artistic sleep posing -- especially for the array of the front paws:


Schmoo Chubby exhausted.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Shop I am so sorry to hear JOey isn't feeling too well. I hope tomorrow is a better day. I always pray for your boys and your MOm and you.

Sammycat how nice of Kitty Sitter to ocme help you out,she is a great lady as are you. LOve the picture of Chubby,he is so agile for a senior kitty. Wish I could bend like that,lol

I do hope he will be ok while she is away and will say extra prayers.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!