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Re: Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food??

The foods the vets recommend,are not good foods ,look up ingredients, making your little ones food sounds like a good idea.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food??

By the way ,no dog should have cooked bones,they are brittle and can hurt dogs stomach .

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food??

@betty423 wrote:

Kittyloo I said the same thing to my Vet; I wish he could talk to me and tell me what's wrong.


This Vet also is not a fan of grain free.  She didn't mention cancer but said studies are showing it causes heart issues.  My previous Vet put him on grain free food 3 years ago.   Yikes!  



It is not just grain free that is the problem. Here is an article about what they think are some of the causes of the heart issue

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Re: Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food??

I have heard that has a good return policy.  You can always check with their customer service before you order new food from them.  I have called their customer service once and they are super helpful!  Good luck!

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Re: Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food??

@betty423 wrote:

My little shih tsu has been struggling with stomach issues.  He's been on grain free food for years.  He's been having lots of bloody stools and whines a lot.  Vet feels since my dog is getting older, he needs a less protein rich diet (xrays showed swollen stomach lining and gas pockets).  She prescribed Royal Canine RX food.  I love my dog to pieces but this food is $5 a can.  That plus dry food daily will cost $200+ a month.  I'm on a fixed income so that's really taxing my budget.  I will find a way to buy it if that's what helps him.  Just wondering if anyolne has experience with this kind of condition and if so, what diet works best.  Thanks in advance.



Take your vet's advice and figure out a way to buy his food. SMH.

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Re: Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food??

[ Edited ]

I am taking her advice and he's eating the food.  He's tolerating it and doing better.  That's great news for me.  Followed up with my vet and she feels he shoud be on this food for two weeks.  She encouraged me to try making his food so I'm going with chicken and white rice for now.  She gave me a crockpot recipe that makes a large batch  to use and freeze.  


I would do anything for my dog.  My income sources are limited.  I'm a stay at home parent to a special needs child.. My little dog also has epliepsy and I have a prescription that is filled monthly.  Not every month comes with an extra $200; sometimes unexpected repairs, etc.  So please don't judge or SMH - I'm doing the best I can.  



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Re: Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food??



I hope you don’t feel that people are judging you.  We all love our animals and want the best for them, but sometimes the best may be out of our reach for any number of reasons.


I’m glad to hear that your little one is doing better.  And I think if you can manage to make nutritious food for him, that’s even better than the expensive store bought kind.  And he’ll probably like it a lot more, too!


Thoughts and prayers, and keep us updated on how he’s doing.



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Re: Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food??

@betty423 wrote:

My little shih tsu has been struggling with stomach issues.  He's been on grain free food for years.  He's been having lots of bloody stools and whines a lot.  Vet feels since my dog is getting older, he needs a less protein rich diet (xrays showed swollen stomach lining and gas pockets).  She prescribed Royal Canine RX food.  I love my dog to pieces but this food is $5 a can.  That plus dry food daily will cost $200+ a month.  I'm on a fixed income so that's really taxing my budget.  I will find a way to buy it if that's what helps him.  Just wondering if anyolne has experience with this kind of condition and if so, what diet works best.  Thanks in advance.



I will say some special prayers for your dog tonight!


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Posts: 198
Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food??

Update - my little guy is doing so much better.  He's off the prescription food and I've been feeding the crockpot chicken/rice recipe my vet gave me. In speaking with my neighbor about the food issues, she told me about her SIL who trains dogs and makes their food exclusively.  She's offered to connect us to talk about nutrition and if I should be adding anything to the recipe (i.e., vitamins/minerals/etc).  But for now he loves his new food.  It seems like he's turned a corner and I couldn't be happier.


You were all so sweet with your advice and encouragement that I wanted to share the good news.  Fingers crossed the trend continues.  Thanks so much.



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Posts: 603
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food??

[ Edited ]



Garlic & onion are 2 of the many items that should never be fed to dogs.  Please research on internet.  Even foods cooked in garlic & onions should not be given.  They can cause death.  Please consult your Vet.