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Tales of First Teen Job

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Our 16 year old has his first job.


It's 45 minutes drive from our house and he starts at 7:30 am so has to get up around 5 to have time to eat breakfast and get ready to leave the house by 6:15.  His dad drives him to work and when he gets off, I pick him up.


This will go on until school starts.


This morning on the way DS said that going to work wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.  Husband informed him it all depends on your job.


So far, he's still enthusiastic.  Even though the parks department position had him scraping, sanding and painting in upper 80 degree weather. 


I'm surpised, since he's glued to gaming videos most days.


What was your child's first teen job and did they like it?  Were you surprised?

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Interesting subject, makes me smile. My son is 51 and I remember his first job like it was yesterday !  He was 14 and was so eager to work so he came to me one day and said he wanted me to take him to the main office of a local grocery store to apply for a job. He said it was part time weekends and since he was doing good in school I agreed to let him work. I took him to the office, he applied and got the job but was told he had to get approval from the school based on his grades and age before he would be allowed to work. Well he didn't tell me that he told the potential employer that he was 16 not 14 when he made the appointment to apply but when he filled out the application he had to tell the truth.  He got the ok from the school and started his job as a bagger and to retrieve carts from the parking lot working weekends. He was so excited and told me from then on he would be buying his own clothes. That was the start of him being a sharp dresser including buying his shoes. (clothing was cheaper back then as we know) Thanks for the memory via this post Woman LOL

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My son started his first job at 14. He worked in the kitchen of a function hall which held clambakes. he started out shucking corn and washing dishes.  Then at 16 he worked at a chain of Pizza shops prepping pizzas.

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Oldest DD's first job was a hostess at a restaurant very close to our house.  This was the summer before she started college.  


Youngest DD's first job was at a GAP outlet store when she was 16.duirng the summer between her sophmore and junior year of high school.   She worked on the floor tidying up the clothes and assisting customers in the dressing room. 

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Both of my kids were camp counselors and they loved their jobs since they had also attended the camps when they were younger.


My daughter also got a job after school at a beauty supply store with a friend (which made it more fun for her).  It was located in the shopping center behind the high school so she would walk over.

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My DS is now 39 yr old. His first job was at McDonald's and then Dominoes Pizza.  He was so happy to have his own money.


DD is 44 and her first job was Wendy's.


Their dad and I bought them their first car but they had to pay for their own insurance. And they were responsible enough to keep up with their payments and finish high school as well.



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My daughter started her first job at 16, almost 17 and she's still at it a year later.  She works at a popular clothing store in local mall.  She likes it except for some things like the revolving door or manager and employees and that only managers gets raises.  

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My son's  first job was as a clerk and general gofer at a pet store.  We both loved it because we were both crazy about animals.  We had a constant stream of huge aquariums and exotic fish, an iguana, an ugly, evil-looking big black scorpion, a tarantula, gerbils and, of course, a poodle puppy.


He called while at work on day and I heard a demanding voice screaming, "Robert, Robert, Robert!" in the background.  It was the blue & gold macaw he'd hand raised summoning him.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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My kids both volunteered at our local library while in middle school.  My son actually went on to work at the library and Blockbuster video through high school and college.   My daughter worked for TJ Maxx through high school as a cashier.  She loved the discounted shopping!

I think it did a lot for them to build character.  Happy they had good experiences doing it.


Good question!

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Our older son's first job was as a summer life guard, at 16.  He also taught swimming lessons to the youngest class.

There was a little 4 year old girl that adored him.  She would go to him in tears and put her arms around his neck.  He would walk her around in the water with her face buried in his neck.


He and my DILove have 2 boys, lol!!!!


Our younger son worked at a car wash and had the thrill of driving police cars through the car wash!  He liked the BMW's and several other models, but LOVED the police cars!