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@Sooner wrote:

@Coastalcarolina wrote:

@Group 5 minus 1 wrote:

Boy,does she sound mean! Sitting in the kitchen? That is terrible.

As someone else has said,wait till the baby comes.


What does your son think of all this?

Goes along to get along.  I accepted this long ago.

@Coastalcarolina Are you the same poster who recently posted about their son and his in-laws not asking her to go on trips with them?  Just thinking back. 

No @Sooner , not me.

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Thank you to all that have cheered me up and on.  Kind words go a long way when you are down.  I will do my best!😊

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@Coastalcarolina wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

@Coastalcarolina wrote:

@Group 5 minus 1 wrote:

Boy,does she sound mean! Sitting in the kitchen? That is terrible.

As someone else has said,wait till the baby comes.


What does your son think of all this?

Goes along to get along.  I accepted this long ago.

@Coastalcarolina Are you the same poster who recently posted about their son and his in-laws not asking her to go on trips with them?  Just thinking back. 

No @Sooner , not me.

@Coastalcarolina Sorry, just remembered someone who had a similar situation they were talking about with inlaws. 

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Re: Baby shower uh oh

[ Edited ]

Your son is a wimp and should be ashamed his wife treats you this way but even MORE he allows it. If your husband is still alive, he should be furious that his son treats YOU his wife this way.


I know you are trying to keep the peace. But at some point, you three have allowed this to continue. No one can take advantage of us unless we let them. 


I wish much health to the newborn, quality time with them and then off you go to be happy being a grandparent and not her slave, her whipping post or financier.

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@LizzieInSRQ wrote:

Your son is a wimp and should be ashamed his wife treats you this way but even MORE he allows it. If your husband is still alive, he should be furious that his son treats YOU his wife this way.


I know you are trying to keep the peace. But at some point, you three have allowed this to continue. No one can take advantage of us unless we let them. 


I wish much health to the newborn, quality time with them and then off you go to be happy being a grandparent and not her slave, her whipping post or financier.

Ouch!  I won't disagree on your points even though they sting to hear.  I truly have given up hope that either of them will see my point or stand up for me.  If I try, then they think it's me being too sensitive.  But don't worry, I have my way of getting my point across.  She'll know this time for sure.


BTW....the wheels of justice turn slow....but they are thorough for sure.  Reminds me of many years ago.  Had a sister-in-law that was a class A to my MIL.  Threatened to never let her see her grandchild.  The child grew up to adore his grandmother, and Miss Windbag was divorced by my BIL.  

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 My advice:  don't allow yourself to get attached to your grandchild, because you probably won't get to see him or her often and likely as not, it will be used as a tool to exert control.

 It's the way it is nowadays.

 I should know - I have two little grandsons I've never been allowed to lay eyes on.

 From what you say, this has been going on for a while so I'm sure you know what you're dealing with. Please protect yourself emotionally. Don't allow them to abuse you so you can see the grandchild.

 I would stay away from the entire situation as going around this type of person will only result in heartbreak.

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@BoopOMatic wrote:

 My advice:  don't allow yourself to get attached to your grandchild, because you probably won't get to see him or her often and likely as not, it will be used as a tool to exert control.

 It's the way it is nowadays.

 I should know - I have two little grandsons I've never been allowed to lay eyes on.

 From what you say, this has been going on for a while so I'm sure you know what you're dealing with. Please protect yourself emotionally. Don't allow them to abuse you so you can see the grandchild.

 I would stay away from the entire situation as going around this type of person will only result in heartbreak.

Check and double check.  You read my mind.

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Maybe you should come down ill right before the baby shower and they will have to find other food arrangements?  Two can play at her game.

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@Coastalcarolina I am really so sorry to hear about your cold relationship with your DIL.  I think it's heartless to have you and your spouse sitting in the kitchen while her family was in the dining room...was there not enough room?  Too bad!...I think your son should have said something. Instead of a sit down dinner do a buffet with extra folding tables set up so everyone can mingle.


This is really not nice.  Since you are already making the food as someone else mentioned, don't do any cleaning up unless there is something that you want to take home for yourself.  Bring everything in disposable containers and let her family clean up.  If they don't like it too bad.

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This is truly sad. Were the niece's last name the same as yours? If not, she may not have realized who they were.