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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

It's called the Covid 15.....seems it has been going around a lot....😬

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

I have gained 7 pounds. I was determined to stop eating so much on January 1. That lasted until January 2! 

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

Nope.  I haven't gain any weight for the past 2 years or so. Even though I spent a year at home for work. I remain the same 112-114 lb range. We have exercise machine at home and try to walk everyday.  I would gain up to 114, drop down to 112 the next day, etc.  Stay at 112 lbs on aveage. I don't nosh at home that much.  I usually avoid eating in between meals.

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

No. I've actually lost about 10 lbs. due to health issues. I'm better now and I plan to keep on losing weight; about 10 or 15 lbs. would be just right.

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

When the virus hit, I made up my mind to lose weight as my focus and project. I spent a lot of time looking at low calorie,and various vegetables for meals on You Tube. I think I am a decent every day cook now . Nothing fancy.

I managed to lose 33 lbs and am close to target weight. It was a slow process, but I just kept plugging away in spite of the set backs with many plateaus... and no excuses. 

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

I have gained 8 pounds. That doesn't seem like that much (I was at a good weight before) but my pants are tighter than I like. I have tried to lose but I just am not really motivated. 


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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

[ Edited ]

I lost 150 lbs. between June 2019 and spring of 2022.  I'd been maintaining since. Between Thanksgiving 2022 and New Years, I still ate "legal" foods but sometimes a bit too much. I put a few pounds back on, but have reined myself back and am sticking to my plan. 

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

@JeanLouiseFinch  -  Yeah YOU!!! 

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

quite the opposite; I've lost 25 lbs.

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

This thread is a bit old but I lost 25 lbs. last year for my DD's wedding.  I want to lose another 15.


Speaking of the pandemic, I went to Costco yesterday and it seemed like most of the employees as well as a good number of customers were still wearing masks!  I almost never see them anymore except for maybe a doctor's office.