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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

@MoonieBaby You are NOT worthless, disgusting or repulsive. Every time you look in that mirror say “I am pretty, I am kind, I am valuable”. And believe it, because you are.
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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

[ Edited ]

@shaggygirl wrote:

Even my bedroom slippers feel tight. 


Funny @shaggygirl . Actually, my PJ's are a little looser so I've either lost weight or tore the elastic waistband.

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

LOL,  Yes a little.

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

Of course not. I’m (and will always be) 106 lbs.

(I lie a lot) especially after turning 60. .

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??



Such a kind thing to say to me and it is greatly appreciated. 

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Registered: ‎02-12-2020

Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

@haddon9 wrote:'s stress eating for me and I'm too afraid to get on the scale!


I happened to hear on the radio just a few days ago that the average "Pandemic weight" gain is 16 lbs. I feel better! Woman Very Happy

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Registered: ‎02-12-2020

Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

@IMW wrote:

@Bhvbum I did the same thing. Ate it all very quickly.

I just can't have anything in the house without scarfing 

it down.


Finally got a handle on the food and my sugar, I'm a diabetic. 

Good luck to you and to all struggling with food issues.



I started having trouble with my diabetes...proababy because I'm eating more! Woman Frustrated

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

I have gained 5 pounds mostly from boredom! I am 70 and don't work so what else can I do but bake cookies and cake and eat? My husband is a doctor and very insistent that we follow the rules so I don't go anywhere except the grocery store. I do see my daughter and grandchildren on our driveway or theirs when I give them cake and cookies! 

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Registered: ‎03-29-2020

Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

I hate to admit it but I think I've packed on a little weight. Some of it is because I'm having a painful episode of aching joints and back for the last month or so, and I'm not as active as I should be. I feel awful; my clothes are getting a little more snug than is comfortable.

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Registered: ‎12-12-2010

Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

I haven't gone up a size in clothing, so that's a good thing!

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.