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Re: Halloween Candy - Do You Buy Early?

@Regal Bee   Yes, I do, because the selection is better and prices aren't as crazy.  I started even earlier this year because of warnings that varied items of food, etc., might be difficult to procure.


So far, I've only gotten non-chocolate individually wrapped treats as I didn't want to store it in what is still fairly hot weather--above average by seven or so degrees here in DC.


But pattern is supposed to get cooler around a week from now so I'll, hopefully, get some then.


I make up my own individual treat bags.  


Separately I usually have a selection of the mini Play-doh containers that the three to seven year olds love as a "bonus" for them.  Haven't looked for them yet but I'm sure they will be higher in price this year.


The individual bags keep me from raiding my handiwork.  Some years I have handed out more than one hundred bags.  We'll see how it turns out this year.


I love all the creative costumes and the happy smiles on their faces.





Washington, DC


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Re: Halloween Candy - Do You Buy Early?

I used to buy it early. But since we moved to a rural area on a dead end road we've only had one trick r treater the first yr.


Now I don't buy any, since covid my hubby does the shopping.. he's not brought any home so far, but he's out shopping now.


I've not had any chocolate in a long time, yum.

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Re: Halloween Candy - Do You Buy Early?

@aroc3435   I make up treat bags also......such fun.


Treats 33.jpg

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Re: Halloween Candy - Do You Buy Early?

Our number of trick-or-treaters has dwindled over the years, with more parties and other activities being held at churches and community centers. Last year we had nobody, due to Covid restrictions. The year before I bought a big bag of candy at Costco since it was a great price and before Halloween, DH and I had eaten the entire bag....shame on I will stick to smaller bags and buy closer to Halloween...if the stores are well-stocked, and buy candy we don't really like that much. 

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Re: Halloween Candy - Do You Buy Early?

We never get trick-or-treaters so I don't buy any treats.  Instead, I keep quarters or dollar bills handy as a just-in-case measure if the doorbell rings.  I have new neighbors with an elementary school aged child.  It will be interesting to see if they ring the doorbell this year.  I guess I'd better make sure to put aside some dollar bills.  Those of you who make treat bags are amazing.

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Re: Halloween Candy - Do You Buy Early?

We haven't been getting many kids at all, so I make sure I buy something that we like so we can eat the leftovers.  I buy early while there is a better selection.  This year no actual candy, but bought the Halloween decorated box of Oreo's individually wrapped with a couple of cookies in each package.  I also bought the container of individually packaged Cracker Jacks.  And then of course, come November 1st, everything that is left over is half price.  That's when it starts getting dangerous!!!!!   LOL

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Re: Halloween Candy - Do You Buy Early?

Just got some things today for the grandkids.  Their mom doesn't want them to have too much candy, so each little girl gets a bag with Halloween shaped pretzels...yogurt covered raisins, and yes I threw in some M&Ms....

I don't get any trick or treaters where I live, so I only buy for the grandkids. 

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Re: Halloween Candy - Do You Buy Early?

I almost never have purchased Halloween candy at all before the holiday. We live rural, and never have trick or treaters. 


I have in years past, bought after the holiday for half price, and after Easter and Christmas too, in large quantities, then vacuum seal it in half gallon jars for use throughout the year. It lasts for several years, just as fresh as when bought. 


Since kid grew up, and I don't take treats to school, or bake in large quantities for bake sales and functions at the school and at church anymore, I pretty much only buy candy once in awhile and only what we well use for a specific purpose. I buy certain kinds for my holiday baking and if I can find them after one of the big candy holidays, I will get them. But I've noticed the stores aren't buying in the huge quantities they did years ago, and there is very little left on 'the day after' I think they didn't like selling it out at half off by the cart loads and loosing the big profits, so they have scaled back the buying.

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Re: Halloween Candy - Do You Buy Early?

We buy our candy 2-3 weeks ahead of time. We're pretty good at keeping it put away until I make the treat bags. We eat the "leftovers".


I definitely have a sweet tooth and love candy. It's one of my guilty pleasures, but I have been limiting how often I buy and eat it the last several years. I know it's not good for me, but I'm not ever going to give it up completely. 

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Re: Halloween Candy - Do You Buy Early?

[ Edited ]

We get hundreds of trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood. (I am not overstating, we have seen upwards of 700 if Halloween is a nice night). Last year was the smallest showing since I have lived in this town, (10 years) and I still had over 200 children come for candy. My neighborhood is "advertised" locally as the best place for trick-or-treating and people from adjacent towns bring car loads of kids on Halloween night. Many houses are decorated with lights, blow up figures, monsters and ghouls. If you love Halloween, this is the place to be on Halloween night. 


So far, I have only purchased non chocolate items. I would eat the chocolate, so I wait until closer to Halloween to get chocolate. I like to have a variety of chocolate and non chocolate items (like Starburst and Skittles which some kids love) and Utz bags of Halloween pretzels and cheese balls.