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Re: Christmas Tree Placement and Moving Furniture?

I have a similar type tree.....and I have my tree decorated in blues so similar to your beautiful tree.....LOL.  I don't move any furniture, except a small antique cabinet, and that is where we place our tree, which is in a corner. 


However, this year.....I will not be putting up our tree, as we are packing up our home to move the early part of next year.  I just can't unpack all of my decorations to repack them.


I will live thru the pics of all of the beautiful decorated trees that are posted on this thread....smilling.  Thanks for sharing.  .  . .  

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Re: Christmas Tree Placement and Moving Furniture?

I used to have to move one of my bookcases but that got old as time wore I got a smaller tree and put it in a spot where I didnt have to move any furniture...

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Re: Christmas Tree Placement and Moving Furniture?

Growing up, my parents shifted furniture around which made the holiday seem even MORE special, lol. We knew Christmas was coming when that started!


Last year we still has many things packed so the tree went in a corner and that was that. This year, we're moving it to an different area so it can be enjoyed by those in other parts of the house (due to the design). I've always wanted a more "formal" one in the living room and this year we may finally be able to do that. 


Thanking back to MD, we shifted the location of the tree over the years and yes, it meant moving furniture (not much, just a shove here and there). 

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Re: Christmas Tree Placement and Moving Furniture?

@Regal BeeI like that pencil tree Very much. Lovely job.

I don't need to move furniture to place my only tree in it's usual spot in the living room, by the archway leading into the diningroom.