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Registered: ‎06-06-2019

Do you think those cards they insert inside the Lug bags with the "Believe in Yourself" message just increase the price on the bags?  I had one bag that had three and then another inside the wallet.  They go straight to the garbage.  I just wanted the bag and don't think they serve any purpose.  

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No, no price increase.  A lot of companies put stupid tags on their things.  I recently got a pair of jeans with 4 cutesy tags on them.  I didn't even read them.  Cut them off and in the trash. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I often wonder why they bother.  





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Yes.  Paper, cardboard, and print cost the manufacturer to have the tags made..who ultimately pays for that besides the consumer?


Hang tags attached to your bag are used as an identifier from the manufacturer to the retailer of its authenticity. 


That's not absolute, though.  Several years ago Neiman Marcus received a shipment of fake bags that fooled the buyers.  Some expensive brands now are putting microchips in their handbags.  









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Posts: 8,933
Registered: ‎06-06-2019

@Foxxee wrote:

Yes.  Paper, cardboard, and print cost the manufacturer to have the tags made..who ultimately pays for that besides the consumer?


Hang tags attached to your bag are used as an identifier from the manufacturer to the retailer of its authenticity. 


That's not absolute, though.  Several years ago Neiman Marcus received a shipment of fake bags that fooled the buyers.  Some expensive brands now are putting microchips in their handbags.  









Just such a waste.  I feel like we pay for all the "cuteness" and frivilous packaging.  I just want a good product that delivers.  If I want to send a message I'll buy a Peace Love World or Life Is Good clothing item.  

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Who is the host on at 1'15.  Her nails are a mess.  Never should have been let to go on live tv



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Registered: ‎10-29-2021
I just started using them to wind my embroidery floss on. I like the positive messages.