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Re: Planting Over Daffodils

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To answer your question...maybe you can plant perennials over your daffodil bulbs.



How deep did you plant bulbs: 6-8 inches?

How closely did you plant bulbs: are the bulbs nearly touching or farther apart?

Are you going for color or greenery for your perennials?

Are you looking for height or low growing plants?

Are you willing to start with smaller perennials, say

4 inch pot vs large pots?


Your perennials and bulbs will be fighting for room to grow and set roots. Both bulbs and perennials will spread out over the course of a few years. You do not want to plant the perennials too close together, so the small plants that are spread out, may not give you the punch you want the first summer. 


What I have done in my garden is to plant my perennials around the bulbs...sometimes in an exaggerated horseshoe shape, with bulbs surrounded by perennials that come to bloom at different times. I will plant a few annuals on top of the bulbs because 4" annuals are easy to poke & place in soil and give almost instant color gratification. They also quickly hide the ugly daffodil leaves.


Good luck with whatever you choose to do. It's fun to experiment and even failures teach you something. Spring planting is my favorite time of year.



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Thanks everyone for your thoughts, they were helpful.  Happy spring.

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@Carmie , that sounds lovely! A friend has a very green thumb and more plants than she needs, giving many away to her friends all the time. She has a drainage ditch running along the side yard and throws plants and bulbs in that area when she gets too many. It's a real wonderland walking along that ditch, she never knows what will take hold and thrive.


Sounds like you got answers to your question, @Biftu . Lots of smart gardeners here! I agree with other commenters that you may want to thin out your daffodils if you have too many to fit in perinneals. Good luck, I think your lamp post area will be a wonderful greeting to your visitors and neighbors.

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Daylilies are commonly interplanted with daffodils as the daylilies tend to be later flowering and have similar foliage, so the daffodil foliage blends in with the daylily foliage. Both plants are nearly indestructible also. 

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@Biftu wrote:

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@Biftu  You can cut back the leaves of the daffys by the end of June, depending where you live. Before that, you can plant annuals around the bulbs. Just don't dig out the bulbs. Work around them.

But I want to plant perennials.  So I have to plant around the bulbs but not on top?  Planting around the bulbs will be tough since I have so many.  You may be right though.

@Biftu  If you want to, you can dig out the bulbs and replant them as you place your perennials. Try to get them in at the previous depth. It will set them back somewhat, but I doubt it will kill them.

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I would plant around the bulbs.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Daffodils - AKA catnip for deer 🤣

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How about a reblooming daylily like Stella De Oro.  There leaves come in about the same time the Daffodils will be dying back so it won't be noticeable.  There are many types of reboomers that you plant once and let them multiply.