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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

On 3/20/2015 moonstone dunes said:

You - a an employee - should NEVER have been privy to her health condition, mental or otherwise. That is a violation of HIPAA and you know that.

Unless she was taking BENZOs, OPIATES, MARIJUANA, QUAALUDES, AMPLETAMINES There is NO drug screening sensitive to medication for bi-polar disorder, she cannot be disqualified if they do find evidence of medication or non-use of medication. And if the company used her mental health condition to terminate her AND also informed their staff of her medical condition I hope she did retain counsel.

ETA I truly question your assertion that you are a degreed Mental Health Professional

She TOLD us that she was bi-polar - in a meeting with me and our general manager...she tried to make up with me and apologize for going to the police and then hiring a lawyer. She was trying to hold on to her job and said this in front of the boss....that's how I found out that the police laughed at her when she tried to get a restraining order against me!!! I obviously wasn't there at the police station and wouldn't have known about it at all if she didn't tell me. Same with going off her meds because she was afraid they would be detected in her testing....SHE was afraid they would be detected...not that they would or wouldn't....I have no idea what she was on...just that she was bi-polar and went off her meds.

This was my sales job...NOT a counseling position, BTW.

She was terminated for LOTS of reasons - for yelling in the office, for contacting a current client and not checking the list, for hiring a lawyer to sue me, etc. In NY State, you can be fired at will - you can be let go if they don't like the way you part your hair...she had recently been hired...she obviously had lots of issues and was let go.

Of course there was NO lawsuit...she didn't have a case against me - no lawyer would take her on obviously...a tap on the shoulder wasn't harassment...our HR dept. agreed with me. I was trying to save her from humiliating herself and getting a big client VERY angry at us!

AMAZING how you turn everything against ME....I was the hero in the situation!!!!!

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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

We have all had challenging co-workers. I can sympathize with her having to share an office she previously had to herself, I wouldn't have been happy about it. Still the OP didn't ask to invade her space, it's not her fault. If this co-worker is a valued employee, the company made a mistake moving someone into the office; if not, perhaps it was done to encourage her to quit.
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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

I have a confession to make: I touched someone without "permission" yesterday. I was talking to a lady in a store about something amusing, and I touched her arm....{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

No charges were filed!

Posts: 21
Registered: ‎04-28-2012

Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

I don't understand why so many people are sympathizing with beanie when she hasn't even stated exactly what the problem is. All she said in the other thread about her co-worker is that she felt shunned and invisible to her since moving into her office. I'd be a little peeved if I had a nice big cushy office to myself and then suddenly had to share it with someone else. Maybe the co-worker just wants to work alone and actually get the work done instead of being distracted by someone else chattering away.

If the situation is more than her ""making you feel invisible"" then you need to tell us exactly what she is doing/has done. Otherwise you are coming across as the one who maybe highly sensitive.

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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

When your office is filled with scraps of wood, how can you avoid throwing them on the fire to keep it from going out? Now it's a blaze of many colors that'll you get noticed.

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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

On 3/21/2015 YorkieonmyPillow said:

I have a confession to make: I touched someone without "permission" yesterday. I was talking to a lady in a store about something amusing, and I touched her arm....{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

No charges were filed!

Good for's all in your "technique"...I'm sure you did it in a friendly manner!!!

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Registered: ‎01-13-2013

Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

Of course!

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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

On 3/21/2015 terrier3 said:
On 3/21/2015 YorkieonmyPillow said:

I have a confession to make: I touched someone without "permission" yesterday. I was talking to a lady in a store about something amusing, and I touched her arm....{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

No charges were filed!

Good for's all in your "technique"...I'm sure you did it in a friendly manner!!!

I'm glad you ladies find this amusing but to a survivor of abuse being touched suddenly by someone you don't know or barely know isn't a laughing matter. Just because terrier's coworker, according to her, carried it to an extreme, it doesn't make it OK.

It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.
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Registered: ‎01-02-2015

Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

I'm so sorry you are going through this beanie. I have had quite a few doozies of a co-worker in my life. When I was younger I let it affect me...a lot. As I got older I realized these people have no power over me. I learned to deal with the doozies by being polite and smiling or killing them with kindness or ignoring them altogether. I can't imagine what this person has done to cause you to shake however...unless she has physically threatened you or compromised your job security in some way. I hope you will let us know.

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Posts: 954
Registered: ‎11-06-2011

Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

The original thread is still up with the discussion about the definition of a HSP and there is a short test posted - I reposted below I can't recall the post #. 27 questions.

HSP is a personality trait, not mental illness or disorders.

The Myers-Briggs evaluation is another similar test.