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update on my highly sensitive co-worker

I'm actually shaking as I write this....on my lunch break....things have taken a turn for the worse. Will call a union rep this afternoon....why????????????

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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

So sorry to hear that beanie!!

You are not being treated fairly. Good Luck!

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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

Sorry you are shaking. Any work environment that causes such a reaction needs to be changed. Hope it gets better for you.

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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

I don't know anything about what happened but hope you get it resolved.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

It's all on another thread....too long to go into again.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

Take a cleansing breath and make that call.

Please know that many people have found themselves in horrible work situations. I was falsely accused of threatening the CFO of the hospital I worked in. They wanted me outta there because my regulatory position required me to act on something a person in the executive suite was involved in(not the CFO), so came up with this piece of garbage. Had to get an attorney on my bucks and time.

I just want you to know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. You've got your union behind you.

God Bless ~R

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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

One of the most frustrating things from a management perspective is dealing with two co-workers who won't do what's necessary to get along. It can't be forced when two people refuse to change or adapt, union or no union.

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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

Oh, (((beanie))). I'm sorry. These workplace disruptions are so complicated. You seemed to be working it out, based on the other thread. Try to take deep breaths and be as calm as possible when speaking with the representative, okay? Saying a prayer and sending positive vibes for a good resolution.

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

The OP complained about her co-worker in a previous thread. Now she has an update which says nothing only that she is having a strong reaction. When you share a situation without giving even a modicum of information it leaves one wondering what's going on.

A view is a judgement so if a judgement isn't wanted why post on Viewpoints?

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Posts: 17,581
Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: update on my highly sensitive co-worker

On 3/20/2015 beanie said:

It's all on another thread....too long to go into again.

I'll post the link to the thread for you, beanie (it's still open for discussion):

Highly sensitive person...this is a real personality trait

link goes to:

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova