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Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

I have been reading the QVC boards for awhile and recently decided to post.

I've seen a lot of people treated unkindly here. There are particular posters who are notorious for trying to embarrass or deliberately play "board police" and try to hurt someone. Social media, IMO, has become a bullying place where people can pretend to be big shots, while remaining anonymous, while belittling others. They don't have to show their faces or identities, so they figure it's a safe haven. As another person wrote, it shows their lack of character.

I don't blame some people for not posting anymore or feeling they have to defend themselves to the trolls and jerks, some just get tired of the high school behavior and immature insults of a few mean-spirited people.

On the flipside, I've seen a lot of caring, compassionate people here who have given words of encouragement and hope to someone who needed a place to go for advice and suggestions. I say bravo to them for wanting to get some advice and feeling comfortable enough to share, and thank you to the kind responders who felt the pain of a fellow human being and wanted to help.

There will always be the mean ones in this world. I believe in karma, so what goes around comes around.

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Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

Rather than leave, just put them on IGNORE. As someone else said, those comments paint a picture of the posters to the rest of us.

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Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

On 2/14/2015 golfcartrider said:
On 2/14/2015 happy housewife said:
On 2/13/2015 colliegirls said:

Please don't pay attention to some posters who live to be nasty. You did nothing wrong, stay and enjoy the good conversations with the "normal" posters. Smile

Sadly , when the mean girl clique comes on here and starts to attack it is rare for the nice , normal people to come to anyone's defense. They all just cower away. We need to start supporting each other when these attacks occur. We need to be the nice girls clique and shut them down from their nastiness. It is so obvious when they are all piling on - why do we allow that?

The posters that pile up on other posters is so ridiculous, when it starts and mushrooms with all of the hanger oners won't let up, just hit report. The moderators will see what is going on and delete the posts or delete the whole thread if they get to personally abusive.

It is one thing to disagree with a comment but it is another thing to stalk just to cause trouble.

Report, Report, Report....It works!

Disagreeing is one thing - the extremely harsh personal attacks are another thing altogether. that's why I say once they start you are better off to just not return to that thread.

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Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

Proofer, I am sorry where you felt bad enough as to where you felt like leaving.

I agree with those here who said to use the "ignore" feature. Like others have said, there are those posters here who seem to be unhappy, and just want to "troll," and "stir things up." Don't let them run you off. Sometimes, that is their goal.

Also as others have said, you can also report the nasty comment in question if you think that it's necessary, or not even respond to their post or comment, and just totally ignore it.

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Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

I didn't see the thread about Sharon, but I read the distasteful and appalling comments that you'd initially written were made to you. Honestly, these people only serve to give credibility to the idea some have, that you have to be a real maroon to shop at QVC. Try not to let it get to you--I know it's easier said than done. I figure if I want aggravation, I don't need to come here to find it! Most definitely put them out of your virtual life with the ignore button, and do report particularly egregious comments. As in real life, surround yourself with positive, supportive people--you'll find lots of them here, too!

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Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

I agree with many comments already posted here, but there is also an interesting thing that happens sometimes, and I think it's worth considering. There are a few people here with whom I disagree almost all of the time, and yet every once in a while, they'll post something that I can agree with! OP, I do think it's unfortunate for you to "remove" yourself.
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Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

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Registered: ‎05-06-2010

Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

Hello, it is a sad thing what has happen to a wonderful group of women here, we had a special place here since last fall, it evolved from the big brother forum, we were doing very well and enjoying each others company for months and others joined us,we laughed,cried had happy times and sad times. I learned a lot from these women ,but the day came when a troll [as I found out is what they are called] came on and to make a long story short had a hand in destroying our mellow happy group,I am sadden that our group let this troll take over, now no one is posting and I miss my friends greatly,I will check in every day and maybe they will come back cause I miss them.I say ignore the trolls and keep your forums going.Tucka.

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Registered: ‎09-30-2012

Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

On 2/14/2015 happy housewife said:
On 2/14/2015 golfcartrider said:
On 2/14/2015 happy housewife said:
On 2/13/2015 colliegirls said:

Please don't pay attention to some posters who live to be nasty. You did nothing wrong, stay and enjoy the good conversations with the "normal" posters. Smile

Sadly , when the mean girl clique comes on here and starts to attack it is rare for the nice , normal people to come to anyone's defense. They all just cower away. We need to start supporting each other when these attacks occur. We need to be the nice girls clique and shut them down from their nastiness. It is so obvious when they are all piling on - why do we allow that?

The posters that pile up on other posters is so ridiculous, when it starts and mushrooms with all of the hanger oners won't let up, just hit report. The moderators will see what is going on and delete the posts or delete the whole thread if they get to personally abusive.

It is one thing to disagree with a comment but it is another thing to stalk just to cause trouble.

Report, Report, Report....It works!

Disagreeing is one thing - the extremely harsh personal attacks are another thing altogether. that's why I say once they start you are better off to just not return to that thread.

You mean like the care giver's thread in the Home Forum? It appears your posts were poofed. Does the 'personal attacks' rule not apply to you? You can't have it both ways.

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Posts: 1,391
Registered: ‎09-30-2012

Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

On 2/21/2015 catwhisperer said:

Hi His Elk....I'll be the first to admit I am no saint on these boards. I have seen a lot of cliques, but never a "mean girls clique" that she is always talking about.

Hey catwhisperer! How are you doing? LOL, her 'mean girls clique' is laughable, particularly because she sure knows how to dish it out.

Hope you are doing well. We're getting blasted with a big snow storm this weekend, so we'll be staying in. I'm ready for some spring weather as everyone is around this area.