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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Why can't I adjust my preferences?

nomless wrote:

Gardensla, I don't think there is a way to put the ORIGINAL POST at the top of the page and NEWEST replies directly below.  The only display options are oldest-to-newest or newest-to-oldest.


I'm frustrated because my settings don't seem to work all the time.  I know they're not used if I'm not logged in, but sometimes even when I'm logged in, my preferences are not used.  I have to go to My Prefences and save them again.  I don't know if others have this problem.  Frustrating, to be sure.  I'm pretty much giving up on preferences.  Each time I open a thread, I look to see how it's sorted and read up or down depending on the current sort order.   



I think that's happening to me too.  Yesterday everything seemed to 'stay put' the way I had set it.  Today, not so much.  And I quickly found out that you do have to actually be logged-in in order to see anything other than the default views.


I'm thinking (hoping!) that QVC is tinkering with this new forum these first few days and we may encounter several glitches like this from time to time.