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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

Truthfully, cleaniliness and scent. I am a big scent person and love candles and tarts,etc.So I guess it is nromal for me to notice those things. I am not a materialistic person, so I could care less if you have expensive furniture or granite counter tops or stainless steel appliances!!!!I also notice if its a home that makes you feel welcome!

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

I wish I could burn scented candles. I can't use scent because of DH's allergies. I have to use scent free laundry detergent, too. When I clean his bathroom, I have to do it as soon as he leaves in the morning, and leave the bathroom fan on all day. I feel for anyone who suffers with allergies. It's no fun.
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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

On 11/4/2014 CardinalGirl_ said:

Decorating style, cleanliness and scent.


since i am a big interior decor/DIY person i am always interested in how a person has decorated their home. by the time i have left i have mentally redecorated their home!

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?


quality of the workmanship

style of furniture

color scheme

lay-out of the home


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

When I first go into someone's home, I first notice if everything is "too pristine." I like a home that looks welcoming, lived in and reflects the people who live in it. As long as it is clean and the company is good, I rarely if ever notice someone's decor unless they point it out to me.

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

On 11/4/2014 deepwaterdotter said:
On 11/4/2014 Helen47 said:
On 11/4/2014 deepwaterdotter said:

If the homeowners are happy to have me there.

What a nice reply; I'd be very happy to have you in my home (-;

Thank you Helen. With the damp and cold of the Midwestern autumn setting in, the thought of enjoying the pleasant clime of San Diego is inviting.

We have relatives in Wisconsin/Minnesota, so I know what you mean. Wish I could bottle up some of our sunshine and send it to you! Smile

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

I notice how glad they are to see me. Unless they're hoarders, I notice their smiles.

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

Probably the first thing woulkd be the smell. Any smoke smell hits me right between the eyes and can trigger a migraine headache.

After entering a home and getting setteled, I notice the artwork and how it has been framed and hung. After 42 years as a framer I am usually mentally rehanging most of it. It is so common to see art hung too high on a wall, especially over a sofa. Pictures hung in a group are usually hung too far apart and the wall space between them becomes more important than the art.

I keep a hammer & hangers in my car, but most people wouldn't be open to my suggestions! LOL

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

On 11/4/2014 Libbylady said:

Probably the first thing woulkd be the smell. Any smoke smell hits me right between the eyes and can trigger a migraine headache.

After entering a home and getting setteled, I notice the artwork and how it has been framed and hung. After 42 years as a framer I am usually mentally rehanging most of it. It is so common to see art hung too high on a wall, especially over a sofa. Pictures hung in a group are usually hung too far apart and the wall space between them becomes more important than the art.

I keep a hammer & hangers in my car, but most people wouldn't be open to my suggestions! LOL

Oh Libbylady, come on over to my house!! Mr Sylvia collects all sorts of art and half the time it sits displayed on the floor {#emotions_dlg.sad}

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?
