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On 11/1/2014 kdgn said:
On 11/1/2014 ILikeShade said:
On 11/1/2014 kdgn said:

Well Found, as someone who can't have a flu shot I do thank you. Those around you who can't have it should be saying thank you too.

Not really. The flu shots only have about 60% efficacy so I still may get sick and infect you and everyone else.

But you won't get as ill as you would if you hadn't had the vaccine.

That doesn't mean a person is no longer infectious.

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Of course, I've had "flu-like" illnesses before and they're miserable. Almost every year I've gotten a flu shot. But many years ago I had the full blown flu and I've never been so sick in my life!!! So please, please, please, if you can (and I understand many of you have reasons not to) get your flu vaccine. I'm not bullying, just remembering how really sick I was.

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This year are HMO was,giving a bigger dosage to the elderly and for the first time in,13 years of getting them, I got sick with the aches and bad headache. The site of the shot did not hurt or was sore. I even ached on the top of my feet and ankles. My head so bad, I had ice packs on top and around base of skull.
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No one has to bully me into getting a flu shot! Not after finding myself alone in the house (as I am 99% of the time) with the worse case of flu ever. I passed out twice, once very near the top of a flight of steps. That's what finally got me to find the energy to call a cab and get to a doctor.

Never again, no shot for me. Had the senior dosage two weeks ago in my doctor's office. No pain at all and no flu symptoms either.

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On 11/1/2014 moonchilde said:
On 11/1/2014 happy housewife said:

When ever anyone whines about the pain in their arm for days after getting a flu shot I just want to scream "OH GROW UP". The needle used to administer a flu shot is about the size of a hair. Good grief.

I beg to differ. I have been having "regular" flu shots for 17+ years. I have never had any sort of reaction, either sore arm, "flu" symptoms or anything else. A few weeks ago, for the first time I got the quadruple (65+) vaccine. Completely unexpectedly, as I am not one to "expect" a reaction, I had local and systemic symptoms that lasted a total of *5 days*. My arm was very sore for 4 days such that it woke me from sleep every time I rolled over on it. For 3 days, my entire upper arm was red, swollen at the injection site and *hot* to the point that I had to put ice packs on it. I took photos. I had witnesses. I also had a sore throat for 4 days. Was all of this due to the flu shot? Yes, absolutely. Was it more than minor discomfort? You betcha. Will I continue to get flu shots? Again, absolutely, though I may not opt for the quad next year :-(

OH GROW UP! {#emotions_dlg.w00t}{}


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On 11/3/2014 LipstickDiva said:
On 11/1/2014 moonchilde said:
On 11/1/2014 happy housewife said:

When ever anyone whines about the pain in their arm for days after getting a flu shot I just want to scream "OH GROW UP". The needle used to administer a flu shot is about the size of a hair. Good grief.

I beg to differ. I have been having "regular" flu shots for 17+ years. I have never had any sort of reaction, either sore arm, "flu" symptoms or anything else. A few weeks ago, for the first time I got the quadruple (65+) vaccine. Completely unexpectedly, as I am not one to "expect" a reaction, I had local and systemic symptoms that lasted a total of *5 days*. My arm was very sore for 4 days such that it woke me from sleep every time I rolled over on it. For 3 days, my entire upper arm was red, swollen at the injection site and *hot* to the point that I had to put ice packs on it. I took photos. I had witnesses. I also had a sore throat for 4 days. Was all of this due to the flu shot? Yes, absolutely. Was it more than minor discomfort? You betcha. Will I continue to get flu shots? Again, absolutely, though I may not opt for the quad next year :-(

OH GROW UP! {#emotions_dlg.w00t}{}


And even after all that, I'd rather have it than not. Like others, I started getting regular flu shots after a long, drawn out, serious case of the full-on flu. Never want to go through that again if I can help it

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On 11/1/2014 september said:

And Costco offers the cheapest shots too! My insurance covered it...but if someone's doesn't...the shot is 14.99 at Costco vs. 31.99 at CVS.

Can anyone get it at Costco or do you have to be a member?

I am seriously considering getting 1 for the first time ever.

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LipstickDiva- Call your local Costco and ask. The flu shots are given by the pharmacist at the pharmacy. I know you do NOT have to be a member to use the pharmacy for prescriptions.

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I get it every year. I work in schools.
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