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I feel like I should be at a meeting, " Hi I'm Kitty and I'm a procrastinator." I hate calling about issues, so instead I stew about the problem until in my mind it is a huge problem. That being said , I have improved with age, but what brought the subject up was my call to the bank this morning. There was an issue and as usual I manufactured all of these problems in my twisted brain , so I kicked myself in the butt and made a call. The issue was quickly resolved and I just marveled a how I could reach my advanced age and still make mountains out of molehills. Are there any other procrastinators out there, or is it just me overthinking. If you are still reading , thanks. 🌺

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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@QVCkitty1 wrote:

I feel like I should be at a meeting, " Hi I'm Kitty and I'm a procrastinator." I hate calling about issues, so instead I stew about the problem until in my mind it is a huge problem. That being said , I have improved with age, but what brought the subject up was my call to the bank this morning. There was an issue and as usual I manufactured all of these problems in my twisted brain , so I kicked myself in the butt and made a call. The issue was quickly resolved and I just marveled a how I could reach my advanced age and still make mountains out of molehills. Are there any other procrastinators out there, or is it just me overthinking. If you are still reading , thanks. 🌺



If there were meetings for procrastinators would anyone show up?

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Registered: ‎05-23-2015

@lgfan wrote:

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

I feel like I should be at a meeting, " Hi I'm Kitty and I'm a procrastinator." I hate calling about issues, so instead I stew about the problem until in my mind it is a huge problem. That being said , I have improved with age, but what brought the subject up was my call to the bank this morning. There was an issue and as usual I manufactured all of these problems in my twisted brain , so I kicked myself in the butt and made a call. The issue was quickly resolved and I just marveled a how I could reach my advanced age and still make mountains out of molehills. Are there any other procrastinators out there, or is it just me overthinking. If you are still reading , thanks. 🌺



If there were meetings for procrastinators would anyone show up?

@lgfan , If we did , it would be late, LOL

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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@QVCkitty1 I understand. For years I had that problem until decades ago it caused me a big problem at work and i came thisclose to losing my job. I had a good boss who gave me another chance and I really learned my lesson.

It's a challenge but just take the bull by the horns and do what needs to be done. You'll be amazed at how much less stressful you will feel!


I too have made a  small problem huge in my mind and then deal with it and it all works out fine. I don't do that anymore because I was just driving myself nuts.

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My heart happens to be pounding right now over something I've been procrastinating about. and time's almost up! 

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@VanSleepy No advice just been there, done that. I don't do it anymore because I was driving myself crazy.

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If there's one thing I'm good at, it's prcrastination.

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@QVCkitty1   I have flaws but putting things off  is not one of motto is 'Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today'.  


That is especially important in my work life.  DH and I are self employed and if there is an illness or other emergency, I want to know that when I left the office 'most' everything I could do that day is never know what the next day will bring and we have no one to cover for us.

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@QVCkitty1 wrote:

I feel like I should be at a meeting, " Hi I'm Kitty and I'm a procrastinator." I hate calling about issues, so instead I stew about the problem until in my mind it is a huge problem. That being said , I have improved with age, but what brought the subject up was my call to the bank this morning. There was an issue and as usual I manufactured all of these problems in my twisted brain , so I kicked myself in the butt and made a call. The issue was quickly resolved and I just marveled a how I could reach my advanced age and still make mountains out of molehills. Are there any other procrastinators out there, or is it just me overthinking. If you are still reading , thanks. 🌺




JMO, but I think you need to identify the "payoff" for your procrastination.  What do you get out of it?  What's the benefit? If you didn't benefit in some way, you'd stop.  Mull over that for a while.


OR ... Is it possible that you hold back out of FEAR?  Afraid of making a mistake or making the wrong choice?  


Rather than beating yourself up over this, try to get to the root of WHY ...  what's the payoff?  


BTW ...  personally, I prefer the term Chronic Overthinker.  LOL  Woman LOL



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Registered: ‎05-23-2015

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

@QVCkitty1   I have flaws but putting things off  is not one of motto is 'Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today'.  


That is especially important in my work life.  DH and I are self employed and if there is an illness or other emergency, I want to know that when I left the office 'most' everything I could do that day is never know what the next day will bring and we have no one to cover for us.

@Mom2Dogs , In my defense, in an emergency I'm great ( probably my hospital training.) However, insurance, banking and minor household  repairs and panic sets in . 🤦‍♀️

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan