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No bans here.  Good thing, because in a few weeks the snow blowers will be revved up and ready to go.  They go at all times, especially when people have to get out to go to work.  And the snow plows aren't very quiet either coming around the corner 5-6 times a day to clear the street and then having to go back with the snow blower to clear the build up at the end of the driveway.  It's mother nature at it's best.   We have 2 maple trees, DH has a blower and blows it to the vacant field behind the house. If we didn't, there would be a myriad of leaves to clear out in the spring.  If it's not thing, it's another.  



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My next door neighbor will be out daily until the last leaf has fallen using his leaf blower.


To me, it's a bit excessive because we still have an awful lot of green leaves left to turn and fall.  Right now it's a never ending battle.

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My neighbor across the street had a leaf blower fixation. He bought himself one of those humongous gas powered leaf blowers and used it every single morning. It was loud and obnoxious. He used that machine from fall through winter, when he used it to blow snow away. The man was a certifiable lunatic. The problem ended when he left his wife and two daughters...deserted them and moved to the south of France. At first his wife was devastated. Then she realized she was well rid of him, hired an attorney, got a great settlement, got a boyfriend, and moved on with her life. And our street is quiet.

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@Reba055 wrote:

I don't mind them so much in our neighborhood. Most people use a lawn service and they are quick, or if they do their own they are considerate. 


What I hate is driving to and from places and the guys are all over, out in the road, wearing ear muffs and just blowing away. You round a curve, and boom there they are. Honestly, I don't know how they don't get ran over. And they have the attitude that you're supposed to move. 


Last  week I was leaving a medical facility. I was walking up to my car, and noticed they were blowing off a median/flower bed area near my car, but not too close. They saw me walking to my car and there was only one other car two spaces down. Don't they proceed to come over there and blow ****** all over me, my car, everywhere. I was so mad. I glared at him like "really dude, you can't wait one minute for me to get in my car and leave". Then he turns his back to my right front knowing I need to back out, blowing away. I thought to myself, go on, if you don't wanna move and I hit you, oh well!  Lol. It's crazy and they are all over the place. Driving unless you are on the interstate is an obstacle course. 


Thats got nothing to do with what you said, but I just had to say it,lol. 

Your story reminds me of the time I was sitting in the Dentist chair looking out his huge picture window and seeing these leave blowers burying my car in leaves!!!  I ran right out with the bib still around my neck yelling at those idiots and I made them clean my car off!!  Those people are totally rude and they don't care at all whether they do any damage or not, but I had news for a guy that was using a weed eater in his front yard and not watching the cars going by. 


I was driving by when he threw a stone on the side of my car while he was using a weed eater.  I stopped dead in my tracks and got out and sure enough there was a ding on my door!!  I made the guy pay for the damage he caused using his weed eater.  I called the police for property damage and he was charged.  Thank goodness i had a witness in the car with me or I wouldm't have gotten paid for the damage.  People just don't think at all.  You use a weed eater and you're taking the chance of throwing a rock on a car or worse yet somebody else that's just walking down the street in front of you.  It only takes a second to lift up the weed eater and the let the car or person pass.  Not too difficult to figure out. 

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OP, I feel your pain.  Those leaf blowers have a higher-pitched sound than lawn mowers & snow blowers, so very painful for the ears.  I am an apartment-dweller & the lawn services usually use those danged things.  I can imagine how miserable it must be for you when they're working on that golf corse!

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@ROMARY wrote:

OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!  I haven't even read the heading/OP's post.  Anyway, there is a gardener around here who, daily, actually blows all of the lawn cuttings/leaves into the street!  And leaves (pun intended) them there!  Even after the street sweepers have cleaned our neighborhood streets.  We (walkers) just turn around and walk up another block when we see him 'blowing'..............And sometimes it's dusty dirt, too.  Blowing loose dirt all around, and into the street.  I do think that he has some type of psych. problem.  I can't believe this thread.  Thank you, thank you for prompting me to vent! 

We blow our leaves into the street then the township sucks them up.

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Leaf blowers and lawn mowers-- the bane of my existence! The noise pollution and fumes drive me nuts. Fortunately no one on my block uses them before 8:30 am, or after dark.


I feel sorry for the gardeners-- they must be doing serious damage to their lungs and hearing.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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@sfnative et al, thanks for the chuckle.  Some good stories here haha.  I am a big gardener.  I feel positively gracious after reading start times of 0800.  I never do it before 0900.  We have large properties here so the sound of lawn mowers, weed whackers and blowers are part of the life.  No rules but people are pretty considerate.  I replaced my battery operated blower this year and could not believe how quiet it was.  The same for the edge trimmer.  Big difference from technology of five years ago.  LM

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@Reba055 wrote:

I don't mind them so much in our neighborhood. Most people use a lawn service and they are quick, or if they do their own they are considerate. 


What I hate is driving to and from places and the guys are all over, out in the road, wearing ear muffs and just blowing away. You round a curve, and boom there they are. Honestly, I don't know how they don't get ran over. And they have the attitude that you're supposed to move. 


Last  week I was leaving a medical facility. I was walking up to my car, and noticed they were blowing off a median/flower bed area near my car, but not too close. They saw me walking to my car and there was only one other car two spaces down. Don't they proceed to come over there and blow ****** all over me, my car, everywhere. I was so mad. I glared at him like "really dude, you can't wait one minute for me to get in my car and leave". Then he turns his back to my right front knowing I need to back out, blowing away. I thought to myself, go on, if you don't wanna move and I hit you, oh well!  Lol. It's crazy and they are all over the place. Driving unless you are on the interstate is an obstacle course. 


Thats got nothing to do with what you said, but I just had to say it,lol. 



That is beyond pathetic and sounds more like that which verges on pathological behavior.  That device could be considered a weapon.  Don't forget that.  If it were me,  I would have whipped out my iPhone and taken photos, then found my way to the maintenance department and filed a complaint.  Why would I go to that extent?  Because I'm fed up with "adults" acting seriously adolescent, when they should be acting responsibly.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,258
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@ROMARY wrote:

OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!  I haven't even read the heading/OP's post.  Anyway, there is a gardener around here who, daily, actually blows all of the lawn cuttings/leaves into the street!  And leaves (pun intended) them there!  Even after the street sweepers have cleaned our neighborhood streets.  We (walkers) just turn around and walk up another block when we see him 'blowing'..............And sometimes it's dusty dirt, too.  Blowing loose dirt all around, and into the street.  I do think that he has some type of psych. problem.  I can't believe this thread.  Thank you, thank you for prompting me to vent! 



We get it 5 hours straight, quite close to us on Friday mornings starting at 7:50 a.m.  I'll never get used to it, so am glad I don't live in snow-blow country.


These folks that blow cuttings, leavs and dirt into the street I am convinced are going to be subject to long-term lung issues.  Have never seen one of them with protective gear on.


Maybe you can't believe it, but I frankly think it's an issue that needs to be addressed.