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Certain gardeners could at least blow cuttings/dirt into one small space, then sweep it all up and dump into our recycling green containers.  Why even have a street sweeper, if the very same or next day, the streets are one big mess because of, in our case, one gardener.  The other gardeners have their thinking caps on!  Oh, and funny thing is that he blows the mess across the street so it's also on the other side of the street, as well as in the middle of the street.  No protective ear muffs or mask.  Oh well.  Things could be worse, I guess.  Feels good to write it all down, though.  lol

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In my neighborhood, there's plenty of noise from other obnoxious sources all day long. Most people wait until late in the season, when all the leaves have blown by the wind into my yard, to tackle the two or three bagfuls left on their property. Then I get to rake and pick them up  to the tune of 17-20 barrels full. So those leaf blowers are not around too long, and they are weilded by companies employing 4-6, so the noise is magnified by 1000, or at least it seems, for several hours on several days. It is deafening, but always surpassed by the early morning snow blowing, where all my neighbors bury my shrubs under their driveways's snow.No consideration of time, they may start at 7 am, they may finish at midnight.


Then there is the regular tresspassing, to tend to issues on their property by hired help who just aren't told where the property begins and ends. Then there are the construction and delivery trucks slamming outside my bedroom windows from dawn until dusk for years. Then there is the periodic nerve wracking blasting for the McMansions, after which all nails in my walls pop out, and all cracks get worse. I have pretty severe tinnitus that is aggravated by this, and now "weak nerves" from being tortured here for decades....Woman TongueWoman SadWoman LOL I have stopped getting a good night's sleep many years ago.

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They are not banned where I live. Nearly everyone in my neighborhood has a lawn service. I don't think I have ever seen an owner actually mowing or tending to their yard at all. In the fall most people up their lawn service to 2 to 3 times a week to manage the falling leaves and keep the yards free of them. Plus, just winterizing the lawns too. We have had our lawn service out about twice a week to keep up with it. 


Honestly I don't even notice the noise of leaf blowers, it doesn't bother me at all. 

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@ROMARY wrote:

OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!  I haven't even read the heading/OP's post.  Anyway, there is a gardener around here who, daily, actually blows all of the lawn cuttings/leaves into the street!  And leaves (pun intended) them there!  Even after the street sweepers have cleaned our neighborhood streets.  We (walkers) just turn around and walk up another block when we see him 'blowing'..............And sometimes it's dusty dirt, too.  Blowing loose dirt all around, and into the street.  I do think that he has some type of psych. problem.  I can't believe this thread.  Thank you, thank you for prompting me to vent! 

Wow,that would be irritating to say the least.  How rude.  We aren't supposed to blow leaves and debris into the street. Our suburb is really wooded,tons of leaves and some people still do it.  We have to pay for leaf collection here,I think its a cheapness. issue. I think you're right about the psych problem with your guy.

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Re: Leaf Blowers - Arrrrgh!

[ Edited ]

I don't even know how to use a leaf blower.  I tried once and it was hysterical.  It wasn't cooperating!!Woman LOL


Weed wackers scare the heck out of me.Woman Tongue<----woman tongue - it says.  Wha???

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I hate the noise from any blower for leaves, grass, etc., but realize they are a necessary evil. I live on a 26 acre condo complex so when landscape company comes for leaves, usually once a week this time of year, they are here from about 8:00 until almost dark. I watch those guys sometimes carrying the gasoline powered motor on their back and wonder if someday they may wake up with some serious health issues.
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Skylark:  Yes, very true.  Also, I believe I mentioned this before somewhere, but just in case I didn't:  Each house has a green recycling container for cuttings, leaves, trimmings, etc.  Contents are picked up each week when the garbage people pick up.  So how easy would it be for that gardener to just blow cuttings into a small space or small tarp and dump into those containers!  We saw him again today, and had to turn around.  Yes, very rude that he blows all of the cuttings/dirt/leaves across the street into the other neighbor's side of the street, leaving a lot in the middle, too. 

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Never noticed the noise until I was home sick in bed.  It was all day noise pollution!!  All the neighbors have lawn services, the mowing and blowing goes on all day long, every day!