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Re: I'm going to lose my mind with.....

wookie you are not out in the middleof the water by your self I am there also and what is this tag thing??

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Re: I'm going to lose my mind with.....

My son said he guesses that I am not as smart as I thought I was. I tolf him to see if he can figure this place out, he said "no way" but it sure is putting you in a bad mood and he is correct.

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Re: I'm going to lose my mind with.....

Perhaps someone is taking all these comments and things will be tweaked?    Who knows.

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Re: I'm going to lose my mind with.....

I posted in Suggestion Box about this, hope it gets attention soon🙀
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Re: I'm going to lose my mind with.....

The Q needs to get the gamers off the main forum and into their own.

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Re: I'm going to lose my mind with.....

They aren't even games, they're mindless lists of nonsense. 

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Registered: ‎10-05-2010

Re: I'm going to lose my mind with.....

I keep trying to go to the menu to get rid of the games...